Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Saad Ullah AkramSaiba mais
5 artigos disponíveis publicamente
HNF1B controls epithelial organization and cell polarity during ureteric bud branching and collecting duct morphogenesis
A Desgrange, C Heliot, I Skovorodkin, SU Akram, J Heikkilä, ...
Development 144 (24), 4704-4719, 2017
Autorizações: Academy of Finland, National Institute of Health and Medical Research, France
Novel fixed z-direction (FiZD) kidney primordia and an organoid culture system for time-lapse confocal imaging
U Saarela, SU Akram, A Desgrange, A Rak-Raszewska, J Shan, ...
Development 144 (6), 1113-1117, 2017
Autorizações: Academy of Finland, European Commission
Cell segmentation and tracking via proposal generation and selection
SU Akram
University of Oulu, 2017
Autorizações: Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation
Collagen XVIII regulates extracellular matrix integrity in the developing nephrons and impacts nephron progenitor cell behavior
MM Rinta-Jaskari, F Naillat, HJ Ruotsalainen, VP Ronkainen, ...
Matrix Biology 131, 30-45, 2024
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
Temporally and Spatially Regulated Collagen XVIII Isoforms Impact Ureteric Patterning Through Their TSP1-like Domain
MM Rinta-Jaskari, F Naillat, HJ Ruotsalainen, SU Akram, JT Koivunen, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.03. 08.434365, 2021
Autorizações: Academy of Finland
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