Kevin Corley
Kevin Corley
Imperial College Business School
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Seeking qualitative rigor in inductive research: Notes on the Gioia methodology
DA Gioia, KG Corley, AL Hamilton
Organizational research methods 16 (1), 15-31, 2013
Identification in organizations: An examination of four fundamental questions
BE Ashforth, SH Harrison, KG Corley
Journal of management 34 (3), 325-374, 2008
Organizational identity, image, and adaptive instability
DA Gioia, M Schultz, KG Corley
Academy of management Review 25 (1), 63-81, 2000
Identity ambiguity and change in the wake of a corporate spin-off
KG Corley, DA Gioia
Administrative science quarterly 49 (2), 173-208, 2004
Building theory about theory building: what constitutes a theoretical contribution?
KG Corley, DA Gioia
Academy of management review 36 (1), 12-32, 2011
Building better theory by bridging the quantitative–qualitative divide
SK Shah, KG Corley
Journal of management studies 43 (8), 1821-1835, 2006
Finding theory–method fit: A comparison of three qualitative approaches to theory building
J Gehman, VL Glaser, KM Eisenhardt, D Gioia, A Langley, KG Corley
Journal of management inquiry 27 (3), 284-300, 2018
The intersection of organizational identity, knowledge, and practice: Attempting strategic change via knowledge grafting
R Nag, KG Corley, DA Gioia
Academy of Management journal 50 (4), 821-847, 2007
Organizational identity formation and change
DA Gioia, SD Patvardhan, AL Hamilton, KG Corley
Academy of Management annals 7 (1), 123-193, 2013
The coming of age for qualitative research: Embracing the diversity of qualitative methods
P Bansal, K Corley
Academy of Management journal 54 (2), 233-237, 2011
Publishing in AMJ—Part 7: What's Different about Qualitative Research?
P Bansal, K Corley
Academy of management Journal 55 (3), 509-513, 2012
Identity in organizations: Exploring cross-level dynamics
BE Ashforth, KM Rogers, KG Corley
Organization science 22 (5), 1144-1156, 2011
Guiding organizational identity through aged adolescence
KG Corley, CV Harquail, MG Pratt, MA Glynn, CM Fiol, MJ Hatch
Journal of Management Inquiry 15 (2), 85-99, 2006
Defined by our strategy or our culture? Hierarchical differences in perceptions of organizational identity and change
KG Corley
Human relations 57 (9), 1145-1177, 2004
Being good versus looking good: Business school rankings and the Circean transformation from substance to image
DA Gioia, KG Corley
Academy of Management Learning & Education 1 (1), 107-120, 2002
On the performance of technology-sourcing partnerships: The interaction between partner interdependence and technology attributes
HK Steensma, KG Corley
Academy of management Journal 43 (6), 1045-1067, 2000
From support to mutiny: Shifting legitimacy judgments and emotional reactions impacting the implementation of radical change
QN Huy, KG Corley, MS Kraatz
Academy of Management journal 57 (6), 1650-1680, 2014
Organizational context as a moderator of theories on firm boundaries for technology sourcing
HK Steensma, KG Corley
Academy of management journal 44 (2), 271-291, 2001
Revising the past (while thinking in the future perfect tense)
DA Gioia, KG Corley, T Fabbri
Journal of organizational change management 15 (6), 622-634, 2002
E-survey methodology
J Jamsen, K Corley
Handbook of research on electronic surveys and measurements, 1-8, 2007
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