Jostein Natvig
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Open-source MATLAB implementation of consistent discretisations on complex grids
KA Lie, S Krogstad, IS Ligaarden, JR Natvig, HM Nilsen, B Skaflestad
Computational Geosciences 16, 297-322, 2012
Well-balanced finite volume schemes of arbitrary order of accuracy for shallow water flows
S Noelle, N Pankratz, G Puppo, JR Natvig
Journal of Computational Physics 213 (2), 474-499, 2006
Fast computation of multiphase flow in porous media by implicit discontinuous Galerkin schemes with optimal ordering of elements
JR Natvig, KA Lie
Journal of Computational physics 227 (24), 10108-10124, 2008
Solving the Euler equations on graphics processing units
TR Hagen, KA Lie, JR Natvig
International Conference on Computational Science, 220-227, 2006
Visual simulation of shallow-water waves
TR Hagen, JM Hjelmervik, KA Lie, JR Natvig, MO Henriksen
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13 (8), 716-726, 2005
Operator splitting methods for systems of convection–diffusion equations: nonlinear error mechanisms and correction strategies
KH Karlsen, KA Lie, JR Natvig, HF Nordhaug, HK Dahle
Journal of Computational Physics 173 (2), 636-663, 2001
A real-field multiscale black-oil reservoir simulator
A Kozlova, Z Li, JR Natvig, S Watanabe, Y Zhou, K Bratvedt, SH Lee
SPE Journal 21 (06), 2049-2061, 2016
Constrained pressure residual multiscale (CPR-MS) method for fully implicit simulation of multiphase flow in porous media
M Cusini, AA Lukyanov, J Natvig, H Hajibeygi
Journal of Computational Physics 299, 472-486, 2015
Successful application of multiscale methods in a real reservoir simulator environment
KA Lie, O Møyner, JR Natvig, A Kozlova, K Bratvedt, S Watanabe, Z Li
ECMOR XV-15th European conference on the mathematics of oil recovery, cp-494 …, 2016
Multiscale mimetic solvers for efficient streamline simulation of fractured reservoirs
JR Natvig, B Skaflestad, F Bratvedt, K Bratvedt, KA Lie, V Laptev, ...
Spe Journal 16 (04), 880-888, 2011
An efficient discontinuous Galerkin method for advective transport in porous media
JR Natvig, KA Lie, B Eikemo, I Berre
Advances in water resources 30 (12), 2424-2438, 2007
Simulation and visualization of the Saint-Venant system using GPUs
AR Brodtkorb, TR Hagen, KA Lie, JR Natvig
Computing and Visualization in Science 13, 341-353, 2010
Flow-based coarsening for multiscale simulation of transport in porous media
VL Hauge, KA Lie, JR Natvig
Computational Geosciences 16 (2), 391-408, 2012
A multiscale mixed finite-element solver for three-phase black-oil flow
S Krogstad, KA Lie, HM Nilsen, JR Natvig, B Skaflestad, JE Aarnes
SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference, SPE-118993-MS, 2009
Accurate modeling of faults by multipoint, mimetic, and mixed methods
HM Nilsen, KA Lie, JR Natvig
SPE journal 17 (02), 568-579, 2012
Numerical solution of the polymer system by front tracking
V Haugse, KH Karlsen, KA Lie, JR Natvig
Transport in Porous Media 44, 63-83, 2001
A hybrid approach to parallel multiscale reservoir simulator
A Kozlova, D Walsh, S Chittireddy, Z Li, J Natvig, S Watanabe, K Bratvedt
ECMOR XV-15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, cp-494 …, 2016
Discretisation on Complex and Polyhedral Grids–Open Source MATLAB Implementation
KA Lie, S Krogstad, IS Ligaarden, JR Natvig, HM Nilsen, B Skaflestad
ECMOR XII-12th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, cp …, 2010
Use of multiple multiscale operators to accelerate simulation of complex geomodels
KA Lie, O Møyner, JR Natvig
SPE Journal 22 (06), 1929-1945, 2017
On efficient implicit upwind schemes
JR Natvig, KA Lie
Proceedings of ECMOR XI, Bergen, Norway, 8-11, 2008
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