Jie Xu
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Desiderata for computable representations of electronic health records-driven phenotype algorithms
H Mo, WK Thompson, LV Rasmussen, JA Pacheco, G Jiang, R Kiefer, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22 (6), 1220-1230, 2015
Nonverbal interpersonal interactions in clinical encounters and patient perceptions of empathy
E Montague, PY Chen, J Xu, B Chewning, B Barrett
J Participat Med 5 (33), 1-17, 2013
The influence of stress responses on surgical performance and outcomes: literature review and the development of the surgical stress effects (SSE) framework
KL Chrouser, J Xu, S Hallbeck, MB Weinger, MR Partin
The American Journal of Surgery 216 (3), 573-584, 2018
How different types of users develop trust in technology: A qualitative analysis of the antecedents of active and passive user trust in a shared technology
J Xu, K Le, A Deitermann, E Montague
Applied ergonomics 45 (6), 1495-1503, 2014
Modeling eye gaze patterns in clinician–patient interaction with lag sequential analysis
E Montague, J Xu, P Chen, O Asan, BP Barrett, B Chewning
Human factors 53 (5), 502-516, 2011
Shared experiences of technology and trust: An experimental study of physiological compliance between active and passive users in technology-mediated collaborative encounters
E Montague, J Xu, E Chiou
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 44 (5), 614-624, 2014
Understanding active and passive users: The effects of an active user using normal, hard and unreliable technologies on user assessment of trust in technology and co-user
E Montague, J Xu
Applied ergonomics 43 (4), 702-712, 2012
Review and evaluation of electronic health records-driven phenotype algorithm authoring tools for clinical and translational research
J Xu, LV Rasmussen, PL Shaw, G Jiang, RC Kiefer, H Mo, JA Pacheco, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 22 (6), 1251-1260, 2015
Facilitated Nurse Medication-Related Event Reporting to Improve Medication Management Quality and Safety in Intensive Care Units
J Xu, C Reale, JM Slagle, S Anders, MS Shotwell, T Dresselhaus, W MB
Nursing Research 66 (5), 337-349, 2017
Lane-change intention prediction using eye-tracking technology: A systematic review
Y Pan, Q Zhang, Y Zhang, X Ge, X Gao, S Yang, J Xu
Applied ergonomics 103, 103775, 2022
Human performance measures for the evaluation of process control human-system interfaces in high-fidelity simulations
J Xu, S Anders, A Pruttianan, D France, N Lau, JA Adams, MB Weinger
Applied ergonomics 73, 151-165, 2018
A modular architecture for electronic health record-driven phenotyping
LV Rasmussen, RC Kiefer, H Mo, P Speltz, WK Thompson, G Jiang, ...
AMIA Summits on Translational Science Proceedings 2015, 147, 2015
Use of a portable functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) system to examine team experience during crisis event management in clinical simulations
J Xu, JM Slagle, A Banerjee, B Bracken, MB Weinger
Frontiers in human neuroscience 13, 85, 2019
Developing a data element repository to support EHR-driven phenotype algorithm authoring and execution
G Jiang, RC Kiefer, LV Rasmussen, HR Solbrig, H Mo, JA Pacheco, J Xu, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 62, 232-242, 2016
Psychophysiology of the passive user: Exploring the effect of technological conditions and personality traits
J Xu, E Montague
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 42 (5), 505-512, 2012
Design challenges and guidelines for persuasive technologies that facilitate healthy lifestyles
J Xu, P Chen, S Uglow, A Scott, E Montague
Computer technology and application 3 (2), 140, 2012
Impression transference from AI to human: The impact of AI's fairness on interpersonal perception in AI-Mediated communication
J Li, Y Chu, J Xu
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 179, 103119, 2023
Using eye-controlled highlighting techniques to support both serial and parallel processing in visual search
Y Pan, X Ge, L Ge, J Xu
Applied Ergonomics 97, 103522, 2021
Reciprocity and its neurological correlates in human-agent cooperation
J Li, S Dong, EK Chiou, J Xu
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 50 (5), 384-394, 2020
Dynamic comparison of physicians’ interaction style with electronic health records in primary care settings
O Asan, J Xu, E Montague
Journal of General Practice (Los Angeles, Calif.) 2, 1000137, 2013
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