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Andrzej CichockiSystems Research Institute, Nicolaus Copernicus University, RIKEN (AIP)E-mail confirmado em riken.jp
Ivan OseledetsAIRI; Skolkovo Institute of Science and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em skoltech.ru
maame gyamfua asante-mensahUniversity of Cape CoastE-mail confirmado em ucc.edu.gh
Toshihisa TanakaTokyo University of Agriculture and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em cc.tuat.ac.jp
Stanislav AbukhovichSkoltechE-mail confirmado em skoltech.ru
Zaher Al AghbariProfessor of Computer Science, University of SharjahE-mail confirmado em sharjah.ac.ae
Cesar F. CaiafaIndependent Researcher at CONICET - Adjunct Professor at University of Buenos AiresE-mail confirmado em iar.unlp.edu.ar
Farid Saberi-MovahedGraduate University of Advanced TechnologyE-mail confirmado em kgut.ac.ir
M. R. EslahchiProfessor of Applied Mathematics, Tarbiat Modares UniversityE-mail confirmado em modares.ac.ir
Anastasia SozykinaSkolkovo Institute of Science and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em skoltech.ru
Danilo MandicProf. of Machine Intelligence, Dept of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Imperial College London, UKE-mail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
Giuseppe G. CalviImperial College LondonE-mail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
Ashish JhaResearch InternE-mail confirmado em skoltech.ru
Lars EldénDepartment of Mathematics, Linköping UniversityE-mail confirmado em comhem.se
Thar BakerUniversity of BrightonE-mail confirmado em brighton.ac.uk
Ahmed M. KhedrProfessor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Sharjah and Zagazig UniversityE-mail confirmado em sharjah.ac.ae
Konstantin SobolevSamsung ResearchE-mail confirmado em samsung.com
Naveed AhmedAssociate Professor of Computer Science, University of SharjahE-mail confirmado em sharjah.ac.ae
Susanto Rahardja, FIEEE, FSEng, FAII...Singapore Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em ieee.org
Valentin LeplatInnopolis UniversityE-mail confirmado em innopolis.ru