Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Shi-Hao LiSaiba mais
7 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
The partition function of the Bures ensemble as the τ-function of BKP and DKP hierarchies: continuous and discrete
XB Hu, SH Li
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50 (28), 285201, 2017
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A new integrable convergence acceleration algorithm for computing Brezinski–Durbin–Redivo-Zaglia’s sequence transformation via pfaffians
XK Chang, Y He, XB Hu, SH Li
Numerical Algorithms 78, 87-106, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Integrable lattice hierarchies behind Cauchy two-matrix model and Bures ensemble
SH Li, GF Yu
Nonlinearity 35 (10), 5109, 2022
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Discrete invariant curve flows, orthogonal polynomials, and moving frame
B Wang, XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li
International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (14), 11050-11092, 2021
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural …
Coupled modified KdV equations, skew orthogonal polynomials, convergence acceleration algorithms and Laurent property
X Chang, Y He, X Hu, S Li, H Tam, Y Zhang
Science China Mathematics 61, 1063-1078, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
On moving frames and Toda lattices of BKP and CKP types
B Wang, XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (32), 324002, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Nonsingular rational solutions to integrable models
Gegenhasi, XB Hu, SH Li, B Wang
Asymptotic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Integrable Systems: In Honor …, 2020
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
15 artigos disponíveis publicamente
Partial-skew-orthogonal polynomials and related integrable lattices with Pfaffian tau-functions
XK Chang, Y He, XB Hu, SH Li
Communications in Mathematical Physics 364, 1069-1119, 2018
Autorizações: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Degasperis–Procesi peakon dynamical system and finite Toda lattice of CKP type
XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li
Nonlinearity 31 (10), 4746, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An application of Pfaffians to multipeakons of the Novikov equation and the finite Toda lattice of BKP type
XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li, JX Zhao
Advances in Mathematics 338, 1077-1118, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The Cauchy two-matrix model, C-Toda lattice and CKP hierarchy
C Li, SH Li
Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (1), 3-27, 2019
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Asymptotic correlations with corrections for the circular Jacobi β-ensemble
PJ Forrester, SH Li, AK Trinh
Journal of Approximation Theory 271, 105633, 2021
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Moment modification, multipeakons, and nonisospectral generalizations
XK Chang, XB Hu, SH Li
Journal of Differential Equations 265 (9), 3858-3887, 2018
Autorizações: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Moments of quantum purity and biorthogonal polynomial recurrence
SH Li, L Wei
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 54 (44), 445204, 2021
Autorizações: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Classical discrete symplectic ensembles on the linear and exponential lattice: skew orthogonal polynomials and correlation functions
P Forrester, SH Li
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 373 (1), 665-698, 2020
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Rate of convergence at the hard edge for various Pólya ensembles of positive definite matrices
PJ Forrester, SH Li
Integral Transforms and Special Functions 33 (6), 466-484, 2022
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Fox H-kernel and θ-deformation of the Cauchy two-matrix model and Bures ensemble
PJ Forrester, SH Li
International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (8), 5791-5824, 2021
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
q-Pearson pair and moments in q-deformed ensembles
PJ Forrester, SH Li, BJ Shen, GF Yu
The Ramanujan Journal 60 (1), 195-235, 2023
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Classical skew orthogonal polynomials in a two-component log-gas with charges+ 1 and+ 2
PJ Forrester, SH Li
Advances in Mathematics 383, 107678, 2021
Autorizações: Australian Research Council
Two-parameter generalizations of Cauchy bi-orthogonal polynomials and integrable lattices
XK Chang, SH Li, S Tsujimoto, GF Yu
Journal of Nonlinear Science 31, 1-23, 2021
Autorizações: Australian Research Council, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural …
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