Lifetime and 12-Month Prevalence of DSM III–R Psychiatric Disorders among Persons Aged 15–54 in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey RC Kessler, KA McGonagle, S Zhao, CB Nelson, M Hughes, S Eshleman, ... Archives of General Psychiatry 51, 8-19, 1994 | 19673* | 1994 |
Posttraumatic stress disorder in the National Comorbidity Survey RC Kessler, A Sonnega, E Bromet, M Hughes, CB Nelson Archives of General Psychiatry 52 (12), 1048-1060, 1995 | 15801* | 1995 |
Does marriage have positive effects on the psychological well-being of the individual? WR Gove, M Hughes, CB Style Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 122-131, 1983 | 1424 | 1983 |
Risk of psychiatric disorders among individuals reporting same-sex sexual partners in the National Comorbidity Survey. SE Gilman, SD Cochran, VM Mays, M Hughes, D Ostrow, RC Kessler American journal of public health 91 (6), 933, 2001 | 1067 | 2001 |
Socialization and racial identity among Black Americans DH Demo, M Hughes Social psychology quarterly, 364-374, 1990 | 903 | 1990 |
Self-perceptions of Black Americans: Self-esteem and personal efficacy M Hughes, DH Demo American Journal of Sociology 95 (1), 132-159, 1989 | 892 | 1989 |
Sex and depression in the National Comorbidity Survey. II: Cohort effects RC Kessler, KA McGonagle, CB Nelson, M Hughes, M Swartz, DG Blazer Journal of affective disorders 30 (1), 15-26, 1994 | 778 | 1994 |
The significance of color remains: A study of life chances, mate selection, and ethnic consciousness among Black Americans M Hughes, BR Hertel Social forces 68 (4), 1105-1120, 1990 | 738 | 1990 |
Prevalence and correlates of drug use and dependence in the United States: Results from the National Comorbidity Survey LA Warner, RC Kessler, M Hughes, JC Anthony, CB Nelson Archives of general psychiatry 52 (3), 219-229, 1995 | 698 | 1995 |
Living alone, social integration, and mental health M Hughes, WR Gove American journal of sociology 87 (1), 48-74, 1981 | 573 | 1981 |
The fruits of cultivation analysis: A reexamination of some effects of television watching M Hughes Public opinion quarterly 44 (3), 287-302, 1980 | 530 | 1980 |
Are uniform crime reports a valid indicator of the index crimes? An affirmative answer with minor qualifications WR Gove, M Hughes, M Geerken Criminology 23 (3), 451-502, 1985 | 529 | 1985 |
The Effect of Marriage on the Well-Being of Adults A Theoretical Analysis WR Gove, CB Style, M Hughes Journal of Family Issues 11 (1), 4-35, 1990 | 495 | 1990 |
Overcrowding in the home: an empirical investigation of its possible pathological consequences WR Gove, M Hughes, OR Galle American Sociological Review, 59-80, 1979 | 450 | 1979 |
Depression in rural communities: Validating the CES‐D Scale BA Husaini, JA Neff, JB Harrington, MD Hughes, RH Stone Journal of Community Psychology 8 (1), 20-27, 2006 | 440 | 2006 |
Possible causes of the apparent sex differences in physical health: An empirical investigation WR Gove, M Hughes American Sociological Review, 126-146, 1979 | 408 | 1979 |
Racial identity and well-being among African Americans M Hughes, KJ Kiecolt, VM Keith, DH Demo Social Psychology Quarterly 78 (1), 25-48, 2015 | 386 | 2015 |
Sociology: the core M Hughes, CJ Kroehler, JW Vander Zanden (No Title), 2005 | 349 | 2005 |
The impact of physical attractiveness on achievement and psychological well-being D Umberson, M Hughes Social Psychology Quarterly, 227-236, 1987 | 346 | 1987 |
The continuing significance of race revisited: A study of race, class, and quality of life in America, 1972 to 1996 M Hughes, ME Thomas American Sociological Review, 785-795, 1998 | 345 | 1998 |