Andrei Anghel
Andrei Anghel
Professor, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest
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Short-range wideband FMCW radar for millimetric displacement measurements
A Anghel, G Vasile, R Cacoveanu, C Ioana, S Ciochina
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 52 (9), 5633-5642, 2014
Explainable, physics-aware, trustworthy artificial intelligence: A paradigm shift for synthetic aperture radar
M Datcu, Z Huang, A Anghel, J Zhao, R Cacoveanu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 11 (1), 8-25, 2023
Fully convolutional neural networks for automotive radar interference mitigation
NC Ristea, A Anghel, RT Ionescu
2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), 1-5, 2020
Combining spaceborne SAR images with 3D point clouds for infrastructure monitoring applications
A Anghel, G Vasile, R Boudon, G d’Urso, A Girard, D Boldo, V Bost
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 111, 45-61, 2016
COBIS: Opportunistic C-Band Bistatic SAR Differential Interferometry
A Anghel, R Cacoveanu, AS Moldovan, B Rommen, M Datcu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2019
Complex-valued end-to-end deep network with coherency preservation for complex-valued SAR data reconstruction and classification
RM Asiyabi, M Datcu, A Anghel, H Nies
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-17, 2023
Estimating the magnitude and phase of automotive radar signals under multiple interference sources with fully convolutional networks
NC Ristea, A Anghel, RT Ionescu
IEEE Access 9, 153491-153507, 2021
Compact ground-based interferometric synthetic aperture radar: Short-range structural monitoring
A Anghel, M Tudose, R Cacoveanu, M Datcu, G Nico, O Masci, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 36 (4), 42-52, 2019
Scattering centers detection and tracking in refocused spaceborne SAR images for infrastructure monitoring
A Anghel, G Vasile, R Cacoveanu, C Ioana, S Ciochina, JP Ovarlez
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 53 (8), 4379-4393, 2015
Simplified bistatic SAR imaging with a fixed receiver and TerraSAR-X as transmitter of opportunity-First results
A Anghel, R Cacoveanu, AS Moldovan, AA Popescu, M Datcu
2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS …, 2016
Coastline extraction from sar data using doppler centroid images
MA Iqbal, A Anghel, M Datcu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 1-5, 2022
Micro-Doppler reconstruction in spaceborne SAR images using azimuth time–frequency tracking of the phase history
A Anghel, G Vasile, C Ioana, R Cacoveanu, S Ciochina
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13 (4), 604-608, 2016
Zernike ultrasonic tomography for fluid velocity imaging based on pipeline intrusive time-of-flight measurements
N Besic, G Vasile, A Anghel, TI Petrut, C Ioana, S Stankovic, A Girard, ...
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 61 …, 2014
Multiaperture focusing for spaceborne transmitter/ground-based receiver bistatic SAR
F Rosu, A Anghel, R Cacoveanu, B Rommen, M Datcu
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2020
Bistatic SAR imaging with Sentinel-1 operating in TOPSAR mode
A Anghel, R Cacoveanu, AS Moldovan, C Savlovschi, B Rommen, ...
2017 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), 0601-0605, 2017
EUSIPCO 2013 1569741499
A Anghel, G Vasile, R Cacoveanu, C Ioana, S Ciochina
Spherical symmetry of complex stochastic models in multivariate high-resolution PolSAR images
L Pralon, G Vasile, M Dalla Mura, A Anghel, J Chanussot
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 54 (7), 4250-4261, 2016
Short-range FMCW X-band radar platform for millimetric displacements measurement
A Anghel, G Vasile, R Cacoveanu, C Ioana, S Ciochina
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2013 IEEE International …, 2013
Improved composite right/left-handed cell for leaky-wave antenna
A Anghel, R Cacoveanu
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Letters 22, 59-69, 2011
A compressive-sensing approach for opportunistic bistatic SAR imaging enhancement by harnessing sparse multiaperture data
A Focsa, A Anghel, M Datcu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-14, 2021
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