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Martin LukasiewyczGoogleE-mail confirmado em google.com
Dip GoswamiAssociate Professor, Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)E-mail confirmado em tue.nl
Lothar ThieleProfessor of Computer Engineering, ETH ZurichE-mail confirmado em ethz.ch
Sebastian SteinhorstAssociate Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Technical University of MunichE-mail confirmado em tum.de
Philipp H. KindtTU ChemnitzE-mail confirmado em informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
Reinhard SchneiderTU MunichE-mail confirmado em rcs.ei.tum.de
Debayan RoyPrincipal OS kernel Researcher, HuaweiE-mail confirmado em huawei.com
Licong ZhangTechnical University of MunichE-mail confirmado em rcs.ei.tum.de
Sangyoung ParkAssistant Professor, Technical University of Berlin, Einstein Center Digital FutureE-mail confirmado em tu-berlin.de
Swaminathan NarayanaswamyTechnical University of MunichE-mail confirmado em tum.de
Anuradha AnnaswamySenior Research Scientist, MITE-mail confirmado em mit.edu
Unmesh D. BordoloiGeneral MotorsE-mail confirmado em applied.co
Simon KünzliZurich University of Applied SciencesE-mail confirmado em simonkuenzli.ch
Philipp MundhenkRobert Bosch GmbHE-mail confirmado em de.bosch.com
Suhaib FahmyAssociate Professor, KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)E-mail confirmado em kaust.edu.sa
Florian SagstetterResearch AssociateE-mail confirmado em tum-create.edu.sg
Peter WaszeckiAssistant Professor, Singapore Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em singaporetech.edu.sg
Ramesh S.formerly Professor of Computer Science, IIT Bombay, now Technical Fellow, General Motors R&DE-mail confirmado em iitbombay.org
Alma PröbstlSchaeffler AGE-mail confirmado em tum.de
Linh Thi Xuan PhanAssociate Professor, University of PennsylvaniaE-mail confirmado em cis.upenn.edu
Samarjit Chakraborty
Kenan Professor of Computer Science, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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