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Ye YuanHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyE-mail confirmado em hust.edu.cn
Guy-Bart StanProfessor of BioSystems Engineering and Control, RAEng Chair, Bioengineering, Imperial CollegeE-mail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
Johan ThunbergAssociate Professor, Lund University, SwedenE-mail confirmado em eit.lth.se
Sean WarnickProfessor of Computer Science, Brigham Young UniversityE-mail confirmado em cs.byu.edu
Professor Alex A R WebbUniversity of CambridgeE-mail confirmado em cam.ac.uk
Wei PanAssociate Professor, University of ManchesterE-mail confirmado em manchester.ac.uk
Laurent MombaertsPhD - Sr. Applied Scientist, Amazon Web ServicesE-mail confirmado em uni.lu
Andreas HuschResearch Scientist, University of LuxembourgE-mail confirmado em uni.lu
Johan MarkdahlSwedish Defence Research AgencyE-mail confirmado em foi.se
Atte AaltoPost-doctoral researcher, Luxembourg centre for Systems Biomedicine, University of LuxembourgE-mail confirmado em uni.lu
Alexander SkupinLuxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine, University LuxembourgE-mail confirmado em uni.lu
Neil DalchauSynteny BiotechnologyE-mail confirmado em synteny.ai
Daniele ProverbioPostdoc, University of TrentoE-mail confirmado em unitn.it
Munther DahlehMITE-mail confirmado em mit.edu
Florian BernardProfessor, University of BonnE-mail confirmado em uni-bonn.de
Enoch YeungAssociate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California Santa BarbaraE-mail confirmado em ucsb.edu
Alexandre MauroyUniversity of NamurE-mail confirmado em unamur.be
Zuogong YueSchool of AI and Automation, Huazhong U. of Sci. and Tech.E-mail confirmado em hust.edu.cn
Alexandre MegretskiProfessor of Electrical Engineering, MITE-mail confirmado em mit.edu
Abdullah HamadehUniversity of WaterlooE-mail confirmado em uwaterloo.ca