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Haesun ParkRegents' Professor of Computational Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em cc.gatech.edu
Grey BallardWake Forest UniversityE-mail confirmado em wfu.edu
Richard VuducGeorgia Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em cc.gatech.edu
Subil AbrahamSouthern Methodist UniversityE-mail confirmado em us.ibm.com
Piyush Kumar SaoOak Ridge National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Seung-Hwan LimOak Ridge National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Thomas E. PotokComputational Data Analytics Group Leader, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Jaegul ChooAssociate Professor, Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence, KAISTE-mail confirmado em kaist.ac.kr
Barry L. DrakeSenior Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute, Georgia Institute of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em cc.gatech.edu
Koby HayashiSoftware Engineer, PNNLE-mail confirmado em pnnl.gov
Edwin PednaultCorona AnalyticsE-mail confirmado em us.ibm.com
Jacob HinkleSenior Software Engineer - NVIDIAE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Hao LuOak Ridge National labE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Vijay ThakkarGeorgia Tech, NVIDIA CorporationE-mail confirmado em gatech.edu
Srinivas EswarArgonne National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em anl.gov
Rama VasudevanR&D Staff, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences at Oak Ridge NationalE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Sergei V. KalininWeston Fulton Chair Professor, UT Knoxville. Chief Scientist, AI/ML for Physical Sciences, PNNLE-mail confirmado em utk.edu
Stephen JesseOak Ridge National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em ornl.gov
Arvind RamanathanArgonne National LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em anl.gov
Prabhanjan KambadurBloomberg LPE-mail confirmado em bloomberg.net