Gun-Britt Wärvik
Gun-Britt Wärvik
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Marketisation of adult education: Principals as business leaders, standardised teachers and responsibilised students
A Fejes, C Runesdotter, GB Wärvik
International Journal of lifelong education 35 (6), 664-681, 2016
School lockdown? Comparative analyses of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in European countries
S Lindblad, GB Wärvik, I Berndtsson, EB Jodal, A Lindqvist, ...
European Educational Research Journal 20 (5), 564-583, 2021
The reconfiguration of adult education VET teachers: Tensions amongst organisational imperatives, vocational ideals and the needs of students
GB Wärvik
International Journal of Training Research 11 (2), 122-134, 2013
Formation of apprenticeships in the Swedish education system: Different stakeholder perspectives
I Andersson, GB Wärvik, PO Thång
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training 2 (1 …, 2015
Swedish adult education in transition? Implications of the work first principle
E Andersson, GB Wärvik
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education 18 (1), 90-103, 2012
Integration of learning for refugee and migrant students: VET teachers’ practices through practice theory lens
S Choy, GB Wärvik
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 71 (1), 87-107, 2019
Integration of vocational education and training experiences
S Choy, GB Wärvik, V Lindberg
Springer Singapore, 2018
In education we trust: on handling the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Swedish welfare state
S Lindblad, A Lindqvist, C Runesdotter, GB Wärvik
Zeitschrift Fur Erziehungswissenschaft 24 (2), 503, 2021
Integration between school and work: Changes and challenges in the Swedish VET 1970–2011
GB Wärvik, V Lindberg
Integration of vocational education and training experiences: Purposes …, 2018
European nurses' life and work under restructuring
J Houtsonen, GB Wärvik
Sense Publishers, 2009
Teaching as pedagogical praxis
S Kemmis, C Edwards-Groves, R Jakhelln, S Choy, GB Wärvik, ...
Pedagogy, education, and praxis in critical times, 85-116, 2020
Ambitioner att förändra och artefakters verkan. Gränsskapande och stabiliserande praktiker på produktionsgolvet
GB Wärvik
Conditions for learning from perspective of labour workers in connection with “the new work order”
G Wärvik, PO Thång
Paper at the 3rd International Conference of Researching Work and Learning, 2003
Vad är ett yrkesämne
V Lindberg, GB Wärvik
Ingår i A. Fejes, V. Lindberg & GB. Wärvik (red.), Yrkesdidaktikens mångfald …, 2017
Integration between school and work: Developments, conceptions and applications
S Choy, GB Wärvik, V Lindberg
Integration of vocational education and training experiences: Purposes …, 2018
Bridging the skills gap in TVET: a study on private-public development partnership in Ethiopia
S Melesse, A Haley, GB Wärvik
International Journal of Training Research 21 (3), 171-186, 2023
Women’s vocational education 1890–1990 in Finland and Sweden: the example of vocational home economics education
Å Broberg, V Lindberg, GB Wärvik
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 73 (2), 217-233, 2021
Vocationalising specialized concepts: Appropriating meanings through feedback
MW Johansson, GB Wärvik, S Choy
Vocations and Learning 12, 197-215, 2019
Considerations for the integration of students’ experiences
S Choy, GB Wärvik, V Lindberg
Integration of vocational education and training experiences: Purposes …, 2018
Professional Expertise under Restructuring: comparative studies of education and health care
P Sohlberg, M Czaplicka, S Lindblad, J Houtsonen, J Müller, M Morgan, ...
Report. http://www. gu. se/digitalAssets/1321/1321780_ profknow_wp3. pdf, 2007
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