Xiang Guo
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Harmony: A human-centered multimodal driving study in the wild
A Tavakoli, S Kumar, X Guo, V Balali, M Boukhechba, A Heydarian
IEEE access 9, 23956-23978, 2021
Recognizing and releasing drivers' negative emotions by using music: evidence from driver anger
Y Zhu, Y Wang, G Li, X Guo
Adjunct proceedings of the 8th international conference on automotive user …, 2016
Psycho-physiological measures on a bicycle simulator in immersive virtual environments: How protected/curbside bike lanes may improve perceived safety
X Guo, A Tavakoli, A Angulo, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 92, 317-336, 2023
Orclsim: A system architecture for studying bicyclist and pedestrian physiological behavior through immersive virtual environments
X Guo, A Angulo, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Journal of advanced transportation 2022 (1), 2750369, 2022
Demonstration of virtual reality simulation as a tool for understanding and evaluating pedestrian safety and perception at midblock crossings
AV Angulo, E Robartes, X Guo, TD Chen, A Heydarian, BL Smith
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 20, 100844, 2023
Benchmarking the use of immersive virtual bike simulators for understanding cyclist behaviors
X Guo, E Robartes, A Angulo, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Computing in Civil Engineering 2021, 1319-1326, 2021
Rethinking infrastructure design: evaluating pedestrians and VRUs’ psychophysiological and behavioral responses to different roadway designs
X Guo, A Angulo, A Tavakoli, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian
Scientific reports 13 (1), 4278, 2023
Interacting with autonomous platoons: Human driver’s adaptive behaviors in planned lane changes
X Guo, Y Jiang, I Kim
2020 Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), 1-5, 2020
How will humans cut through automated vehicle platoons in mixed traffic environments? A simulation study of drivers’ gaze behaviors based on the dynamic areas of interest
X Guo, L Cui, B Park, W Ding, M Lockhart, I Kim
Systems Engineering in Context: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on …, 2019
Perceptions of Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies Adoption within the AEC Industry
V Balali, X Guo, S Fathi, A Heydarian
Construction Research Congress 2022, 1067-1076, 2022
Unveiling the impact of cognitive distraction on cyclists psycho-behavioral responses in an immersive virtual environment
X Guo, A Tavakoli, TD Chen, A Heydarian
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024
Evaluating current and future pedestrian mid-block crossing safety treatments using virtual reality simulation
AV Angulo, E Robartes, X Guo, TD Chen, A Heydarian, BL Smith
Accident Analysis & Prevention 206, 107715, 2024
Validation of a Virtual Reality Simulator with Real-World Observations for Pedestrian Safety at Midblock Crossings
A Angulo, E Robartes, X Guo, TD Chen, A Heydarian, B Smith
Available at SSRN 4055270, 2022
Color block task: A new surrogate secondary task to measure the impact of drivers’ incrementally increased workload
Y Wang, X Guo, Y Zhu, J Zhang
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
Comparing three smart device setups for the use of speech interface in destination search while driving
Y Wang, J Zhu, T Zheng, F Gao, X Guo
Transportation Research Board 94th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2015
王颖, 刘瑞雪, 姜祝伟, 朱家琪, 郭翔
工业工程与管理 19 (3), 141-146, 2014
Examining socioeconomic and physiological factors affecting preferences for cycling infrastructure using virtual reality experimentation
A Saglio, E Robartes, TD Chen, A Heydarian, X Guo, AV Angulo
Transportation research record 2677 (12), 463-478, 2023
检测反应任务 (DRT) 在驾驶员认知负荷研究中的应用和发展
郭翔, 王颖, 张剑桥, 周帆
人类工效学 23 (1), 73-77, 2017
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