Henning Meyerhenke
Henning Meyerhenke
Professor of Computer Science, HU Berlin
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Recent advances in graph partitioning
A Buluç, H Meyerhenke, I Safro, P Sanders, C Schulz
Algorithm Engineering, LNCS 9220, 2013
Graph partitioning and graph clustering
DA Bader, H Meyerhenke, P Sanders, D Wagner
American Mathematical Soc., 2013
NetworKit: A Tool Suite for Large-scale Complex Network Analysis
CL Staudt, A Sazonovs, H Meyerhenke
Network Science, 2016
Mathematical foundations of the GraphBLAS
J Kepner, P Aaltonen, D Bader, A Buluç, F Franchetti, J Gilbert, ...
HPEC 2016, also as arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.05790, 2016
Parallel graph partitioning for complex networks
H Meyerhenke, P Sanders, C Schulz
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (9), 2625-2638, 2017
Benchmarking for Graph Clustering and Partitioning
DA Bader, A Kappes, H Meyerhenke, P Sanders, C Schulz, D Wagner
Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, 2014
Engineering Parallel Algorithms for Community Detection in Massive Networks
C Staudt, H Meyerhenke
IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27 (1), 171-184, 2016
A new diffusion-based multilevel algorithm for computing graph partitions
H Meyerhenke, B Monien, T Sauerwald
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 69 (9), 750-761, 2009
Partitioning (hierarchically clustered) complex networks via size-constrained graph clustering
H Meyerhenke, P Sanders, C Schulz
Journal of Heuristics 22, 759-782, 2016
Parallel community detection for massive graphs
EJ Riedy, H Meyerhenke, D Ediger, DA Bader
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 9th International Conference …, 2012
Graphs, Matrices, and the GraphBLAS: Seven Good Reasons
J Kepner, DA Bader, A Buluç, J Gilbert, T Mattson, H Meyerhenke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1504.01039, 2015
Approximating betweenness centrality in large evolving networks
E Bergamini, H Meyerhenke, CL Staudt
SIAM ALENEX 2015, 2015
k-way Hypergraph Partitioning via n-Level Recursive Bisection
S Schlag, V Henne, T Heuer, H Meyerhenke, P Sanders, C Schulz
ALENEX 2016, 2015
Scalable Multi-threaded Community Detection in Social Networks
J Riedy, DA Bader, H Meyerhenke
Intl. Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops (IPDPSW 2012), 2012
Engineering high-performance community detection heuristics for massive graphs
CL Staudt, H Meyerhenke
2013 42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing, 180-189, 2013
Graph partitioning and disturbed diffusion
H Meyerhenke, B Monien, S Schamberger
Parallel Computing 35 (10-11), 544-569, 2009
Computing Top-k Closeness Centrality Faster in Unweighted Graphs
E Bergamini, M Borassi, P Crescenzi, A Marino, H Meyerhenke
SIAM Algorithms and Experiments (ALENEX 2016), 2016
Tracking structure of streaming social networks
D Ediger, J Riedy, DA Bader, H Meyerhenke
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing …, 2011
More recent advances in (hyper) graph partitioning
Ü Çatalyürek, K Devine, M Faraj, L Gottesbüren, T Heuer, H Meyerhenke, ...
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (12), 1-38, 2023
Improving the betweenness centrality of a node by adding links
E Bergamini, P Crescenzi, G D'angelo, H Meyerhenke, L Severini, Y Velaj
Journal of Experimental Algorithmics (JEA) 23, 1-32, 2018
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