Erik Baekkeskov
Erik Baekkeskov
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Collaborative crisis management: a plausibility probe of core assumptions
CF Parker, D Nohrstedt, J Baird, H Hermansson, O Rubin, E Baekkeskov
Policy and Society 39 (4), 510-529, 2020
Same threat, different responses: Experts steering politicians and stakeholders in 2009 H1N1 vaccination policy‐making
E Baekkeskov
Public Administration 94 (2), 299-315, 2016
Why pandemic response is unique: powerful experts and hands-off political leaders
E Baekkeskov, O Rubin
Disaster Prevention and Management 23 (1), 81-93, 2014
Measuring and managing ex ante transaction costs in public sector contracting
OH Petersen, E Baekkeskov, M Potoski, TL Brown
Public Administration Review 79 (5), 641-650, 2019
Information dilemmas and blame‐avoidance strategies: From secrecy to lightning rods in Chinese health crises
E Baekkeskov, O Rubin
Governance 30 (3), 425-443, 2017
Explaining science-led policy-making: Pandemic deaths, epistemic deliberation and ideational trajectories
E Baekkeskov
Policy sciences 49 (4), 395-419, 2016
Freezing deliberation through public expert advice
E Baekkeskov, PO Öberg
Journal of European Public Policy 24 (7), 1006-1026, 2017
The state of social science research on antimicrobial resistance
SS Frid-Nielsen, O Rubin, E Baekkeskov
Social Science & Medicine 242, 112596, 2019
Antimicrobial resistance as a global health crisis
E Baekkeskov, O Rubin, L Munkholm, W Zaman
Oxford research encyclopedia of politics, 2020
Reputation-seeking by a government agency in Europe: Direct evidence from responses to the 2009 H1N1 “Swine” influenza pandemic
E Baekkeskov
Administration & Society 49 (2), 163-189, 2017
Policy capacity: Evolving theory and missing links
S Brenton, E Baekkeskov, A Hannah
Policy Studies 44 (3), 297-315, 2023
Monotonous or pluralistic public discourse? Reason-giving and dissent in Denmark’s and Sweden’s early 2020 COVID-19 responses
E Baekkeskov, O Rubin, PO Öberg
Journal of European Public Policy 28 (8), 1321-1343, 2021
The promises and pitfalls of polysemic ideas:‘One Health’and antimicrobial resistance policy in Australia and the UK
A Hannah, E Baekkeskov
Policy Sciences 53 (3), 437-452, 2020
The challenges facing evidence-based decision making in the initial response to COVID-19
O Rubin, NA Errett, R Upshur, E Baekkeskov
Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 49 (7), 790-796, 2021
Attention to the Tripartite’s one health measures in national action plans on antimicrobial resistance
L Munkholm, O Rubin, E Bækkeskov, S Humboldt-Dachroeden
Journal of Public Health Policy 42, 236-248, 2021
Expert-led securitization: The case of the 2009 pandemic in Denmark and Sweden
O Rubin, B Erik
Politics and governance 8 (4), 319-330, 2020
Political stability, trust and support for public policies: a survey experiment examining source effects for COVID-19 interventions in Australia and Hong Kong
A Martin, G Mikołajczak, E Baekkeskov, K Hartley
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 34 (3), edac024, 2022
Ideas and crisis in policy and administration: Existing links and research frontiers
A Hannah, E Baekkeskov, T Tubakovic
Public Administration 100 (3), 571-584, 2022
Political drivers of epidemic response: foreign healthcare workers and the 2014 Ebola outbreak
D Nohrstedt, E Baekkeskov
Disasters 42 (1), 41-61, 2018
Issue framing and sector character as critical parameters for government contracting‐out in the UK
E Baekkeskov
Public Administration 89 (4), 1489-1508, 2011
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