José Tadeu Balbo
José Tadeu Balbo
Professor Associado 3, Engenharia Civil, Universidade de São Paulo
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Pavimentação asfáltica: materiais, projeto, e restauração
JT Balbo
Oficina de textos, 2015
Pavimentos de concreto
JT Balbo
Oficina de Textos, 2016
Pavimentos asfálticos: patologias e manutenção
JT Balbo
Concrete aggregates properties crushed by jaw and impact secondary crushing
C Ulsen, E Tseng, SC Angulo, M Landmann, R Contessotto, JT Balbo, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (1), 494-502, 2019
Evaluation of characterization and performance modeling of cementitiously stabilized layers in the Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guide
P Saxena, D Tompkins, L Khazanovich, JT Balbo
Transportation research record 2186 (1), 111-119, 2010
Thermal gradients in concrete pavements in tropical environment: Experimental appraisal
JT Balbo, AA Severi
Transportation Research Record 1809 (1), 12-22, 2002
Estudo das propriedades mecânicas das misturas de brita e cimento e sua aplicação aos pavimentos semi-rígidos.
JT Balbo
Universidade de São Paulo, 1993
Study on the hydraulic conductivity by constant and falling head methods for pervious concrete
R Batezini, JT Balbo
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais 8, 248-259, 2015
Theoretical and field evaluation of interaction between ultra-thin whitetopping and existing asphalt pavement
DDS Pereira, JT Balbo, L Khazanovich
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 7 (4), 251-260, 2006
Relations between indirect tensile and flexural strengths for dry and plastic concretes
JT Balbo
Revista IBRACON de estruturas e materiais 6, 854-874, 2013
Fracture characterization of roller compacted concrete mixtures with blast furnace slag and industrial sand
MCF Albuquerque, JT Balbo, EC Sansone, PC Pinto
International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology 4 (4), 244, 2011
High quality cement treated crushed stones for concrete pavement bases
JT Balbo
Proceedings of the International Conference on Concrete Pavements, 1997
Design and construction guidelines for thermally insulated concrete pavements.
L Khazanovich, JT Balbo, L Johanneck, R Lederle, M Marasteanu, ...
Minnesota. Dept. of Transportation. Research Services Section, 2013
Estimating porosity of in situ pervious concrete using surface infiltration tests
L Haselbach, B Werner, VP Dutra, P Schwetz, LC Pinto da Silva Filho, ...
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 45 (5), 1726-1735, 2017
Análise da capacidade de infiltração em pavimento permeável de bloco de concreto unidirecionalmente articulado
BW Ono, JT Balbo, A Cargnin
Transportes 25 (3), 90-101, 2017
Fatigue verification criteria for semi-rigid pavements
JT Balbo, JP Cintra
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil. National Meeting on …, 2007
Non-destructive ultrasonic tomography for concrete pavement evaluation: signal processing and image analysis of crucial parameters
LS Salles, JT Balbo, L Khazanovich
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais 10 (06), 1182-1191, 2017
Rendering the loss of strength in dry concretes with addition of milled asphalt through microscopic analysis
T Sachet, JT Balbo, FT Bonsembiante
Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais 6, 933-954, 2013
Investigation of resistance and fracture parameters for compacted concrete with incorporation of reclaimed asphalt pavement
T Sachet, MCF de Albuquerque, JT Balbo, CE Sansone
International Journal of Pavements 10 (1-2-3), 2011
Fatos, mitos e falácias sobre os modelos experimentais de fadiga
JT Balbo
Anais, 2000
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Artigos 1–20