Efthymios Balomenos
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Selective leaching of rare earth elements from bauxite residue (red mud), using a functionalized hydrophobic ionic liquid
P Davris, E Balomenos, D Panias, I Paspaliaris
Hydrometallurgy 164, 125-135, 2016
Energy and exergy analysis of the primary aluminum production processes: a review on current and future sustainability
E Balomenos, D Panias, I Paspaliaris
Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Review 32 (2), 69-89, 2011
Re‐using bauxite residues: benefits beyond (critical raw) material recovery
É Ujaczki, V Feigl, M Molnár, P Cusack, T Curtin, R Courtney, ...
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 93 (9), 2498-2510, 2018
Leaching of rare earth elements from eudialyte concentrate by suppressing silica gel formation
P Davris, S Stopic, E Balomenos, D Panias, I Paspaliaris, B Friedrich
Minerals Engineering 108, 115-122, 2017
Iron recovery from bauxite residue through reductive roasting and wet magnetic separation
C Cardenia, E Balomenos, D Panias
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 5 (1), 9-19, 2019
Behavior of platinum group metals during their pyrometallurgical recovery from spent automotive catalysts
G Kolliopoulos, E Balomenos, I Giannopoulou, I Yakoumis, D Panias
Open Access Library Journal 1 (5), 1-9, 2014
The EURARE Project: development of a sustainable exploitation scheme for Europe’s rare earth ore deposits
E Balomenos, P Davris, E Deady, J Yang, D Panias, B Friedrich, ...
Johnson Matthey Technology Review 61 (2), 142-153, 2017
Mud2Metal: lessons learned on the path for complete utilization of bauxite residue through industrial symbiosis
E Balomenos, P Davris, Y Pontikes, D Panias
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 3, 551-560, 2017
Carbothermic reduction of alumina: a review of developed processes and novel concepts
E Balomenos, D Panias, I Paspaliaris, B Friedrich, B Jaroni, A Steinfeld, ...
Proceedings of EMC, 729-743, 2011
Efficient and complete exploitation of the bauxite residue (red mud) produced in the Bayer process
E Balomenos, I Gianopoulou, D Panias, I Paspaliaris, K Perry, ...
Proceedings of EMC 3, 745-758, 2011
A novel red mud treatment process: process design and preliminary results
E Balomenos, I Gianopoulou, D Panias, I Paspaliaris
Travaux ICSOBA 36 (40), 255-266, 2011
The utilization of bauxite residue with a calcite-rich bauxite ore in the Pedersen process for iron and alumina extraction
A Lazou, C Van Der Eijk, K Tang, E Balomenos, L Kolbeinsen, J Safarian
Metallurgical and materials transactions B 52, 1255-1266, 2021
Current and alternative routes in the production of rare earth elements
P Davris, E Balomenos, M Taxiarchou, D Panias, I Paspaliaris
BHM Berg-und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte 162 (7), 245-251, 2017
The fire resistance of alkali-activated cement-basedconcrete binders
D Panias, E Balomenos, K Sakkas
Handbook of alkali-activated cements, mortars and concretes, 423-461, 2015
Leaching of rare earth elements from ‘Rödberg’ore of Fen carbonatite complex deposit, using the ionic liquid HbetTf2N
P Davris, D Marinos, E Balomenos, A Alexandri, M Gregou, D Panias, ...
Hydrometallurgy 175, 20-27, 2018
Leaching of rare earths from bauxite residues using imidazolium based ionic liquids
P Davris, E Balomenos, D Panias, I Paspaliaris
Proceedings of the 1st European Rare Earth Resources Conference (ERES 2014 …, 2014
Iron recovery and production of high added value products from the metallurgical by-products of primary aluminum and ferronickel industries
E Balomenos, D Panias, R Mud
Proceedings of the 3rd international slag valorisation symposium, Leuven …, 2013
Nepheline syenite as an alternative source for aluminum production
M Bagani, E Balomenos, D Panias
Minerals 11 (7), 734, 2021
On the Direct Reduction Phenomena of Bauxite Ore Using H2 Gas in a Fixed Bed Reactor
A Lazou, C van der Eijk, E Balomenos, L Kolbeinsen, J Safarian
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy 6, 227-238, 2020
ENEXAL: Novel technologies for enhanced energy and exergy efficiencies in primary aluminium production industry
E Balomenos, I Gianopoulou, D Panias, I Paspaliaris
MJoM 15, 203-217, 2009
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