Vithala Rao
Vithala Rao
Professor of Marketing and Quantitative methods
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Conjoint measurement for quantifying judgmental data
PE Green, VR Rao
Journal of Marketing Research, 355-363, 1971
An empirical comparison of consumer-based measures of brand equity
MK Agarwal, VR Rao
Marketing Letters 7 (3), 237-247, 1996
How is manifest branding strategy related to the intangible value of a corporation?
VR Rao, MK Agarwal, D Dahlhoff
Journal of Marketing, 126-141, 2004
Linking brand equity to customer equity
RP Leone, VR Rao, KL Keller, AM Luo, L McAlister, R Srivastava
Journal of Service Research 9 (2), 125-138, 2006
Applied conjoint analysis
VR Rao
Springer Berlin, 2010
Applied multidimensional scaling: A comparison of approaches and algorithms
PE Green, VR Rao
Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1972
Rating Scales and Information Recovery. How Many Scales and Response Categories to Use?
PE Green, VR Rao
The Journal of Marketing, 33-39, 1970
Pricing research in marketing: The state of the art
VR Rao
Journal of Business, 39-60, 1984
Combining revealed and stated preferences data
M Ben-Akiva, M Bradley, T Morikawa, J Benjamin, T Novak, H Oppewal, ...
Marketing Letters 5 (4), 335-349, 1994
Extended framework for modeling choice behavior
M Ben-Akiva, D McFadden, T Gärling, D Gopinath, J Walker, D Bolduc, ...
Marketing Letters 10 (3), 187-203, 1999
An approach to assess the importance of brand equity in acquisition decisions
V Mahajan, VR Rao, RK Srivastava
Journal of Product Innovation Management 11 (3), 221-235, 1994
Research for product positioning and design decisions: An integrative review
A Kaul, VR Rao
International Journal of Research in Marketing 12 (4), 293-320, 1995
A balance model for evaluating subsets of multiattributed items
PH Farquhar, VR Rao
Management Science, 528-539, 1976
Structural analysis of competitive behavior: New Empirical Industrial Organization methods in marketing
V Kadiyali, K Sudhir, VR Rao
International Journal of Research in Marketing 18 (1-2), 161-186, 2001
Conjoint analysis, related modeling, and applications
JR Hauser, VR Rao
Advances in Marketing Research: Progress and Prospects, 141-68, 2004
A General Choice Model for Bundles with Multiple-Category Products: Application to Market Segmentation and Optimal Pricing for Bundles
VR Rao, J Chung
Journal of marketing research, 115-130, 2004
A general choice model for bundles with multiple-category products: Application to market segmentation and optimal pricing for bundles
J Chung, VR Rao
Journal of Marketing Research, 115-130, 2003
A constrained unfolding methodology for product positioning
W DeSarbo, VR Rao
Marketing Science, 1-19, 1986
Beyond conjoint analysis: Advances in preference measurement
O Netzer, O Toubia, ET Bradlow, E Dahan, T Evgeniou, FM Feinberg, ...
Marketing Letters 19 (3), 337-354, 2008
Modeling Methods for Discrete Choice Analysis
DL McFadden, M Abe, D Bolduc, U Böckenholt, M Ben-Akiva, D Gopinath, ...
Kluwer Academic Publishers; Springer Science+ Business Media, 1997
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