Christian Schmidt
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Export of plastic debris by rivers into the sea
C Schmidt, T Krauth, S Wagner
Environmental science & technology 51 (21), 12246-12253, 2017
More than 1000 rivers account for 80% of global riverine plastic emissions into the ocean
LJJ Meijer, T Van Emmerik, R Van Der Ent, C Schmidt, L Lebreton
Science advances 7 (18), eaaz5803, 2021
Catchment controls on solute export
A Musolff, C Schmidt, B Selle, JH Fleckenstein
Advances in water resources 86, 133-146, 2015
Characterization of spatial heterogeneity of groundwater-stream water interactions using multiple depth streambed temperature measurements at the reach scale
C Schmidt, M Bayer-Raich, M Schirmer
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 10 (6), 849-859, 2006
Ecohydrological interfaces as hotspots of ecosystem processes
S Krause, J Lewandowski, NB Grimm, DM Hannah, G Pinay, K McDonald, ...
Ecohydrological Interfaces, 1-28, 2024
Evaluation and field-scale application of an analytical method to quantify groundwater discharge using mapped streambed temperatures
C Schmidt, B Conant Jr, M Bayer-Raich, M Schirmer
Journal of Hydrology 347 (3-4), 292-307, 2007
Coupled 3‐D stream flow and hyporheic flow model under varying stream and ambient groundwater flow conditions in a pool‐riffle system
N Trauth, C Schmidt, U Maier, M Vieweg, JH Fleckenstein
Water Resources Research 49 (9), 5834-5850, 2013
Influence of aquifer and streambed heterogeneity on the distribution of groundwater discharge
E Kalbus, C Schmidt, JW Molson, F Reinstorf, M Schirmer
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 13 (1), 69-77, 2009
Relationship between discharge and river plastic concentrations in a rural and an urban catchment
Wagner, S., Klöckner, P., Römer, M., Seiwert, B., Reemtsma, T., Schmidt C.
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (17), 2019
Microplastic particle emission from wastewater treatment plant effluents into river networks in Germany: Loads, spatial patterns of concentrations and potential toxicity
C Schmidt, R Kumar, S Yang, O Büttner
Science of the Total Environment 737, 139544, 2020
Simulating the effects of geologic heterogeneity and transient boundary conditions on streambed temperatures—Implications for temperature-based water flux calculations
C Schornberg, C Schmidt, E Kalbus, JH Fleckenstein
Advances in Water Resources 33 (11), 1309-1319, 2010
Hydraulic controls of in‐stream gravel bar hyporheic exchange and reactions
N Trauth, C Schmidt, M Vieweg, SE Oswald, JH Fleckenstein
Water Resources Research 51 (4), 2243-2263, 2015
Hyporheic transport and biogeochemical reactions in pool‐riffle systems under varying ambient groundwater flow conditions
N Trauth, C Schmidt, M Vieweg, U Maier, JH Fleckenstein
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 119 (5), 910-928, 2014
Microbial communities along biogeochemical gradients in a hydrocarbon‐contaminated aquifer
K Tischer, S Kleinsteuber, KM Schleinitz, I Fetzer, O Spott, F Stange, ...
Environmental Microbiology 15 (9), 2603-2615, 2013
Simulating bioclogging effects on dynamic riverbed permeability and infiltration
ME Newcomer, SS Hubbard, JH Fleckenstein, U Maier, C Schmidt, ...
Water resources research 52 (4), 2883-2900, 2016
Dissolved oxygen in water and its stable isotope effects: A review
M Mader, C Schmidt, R van Geldern, JAC Barth
Chemical Geology 473, 10-21, 2017
The effect of losing and gaining flow conditions on hyporheic exchange in heterogeneous streambeds
A Fox, G Laube, C Schmidt, JH Fleckenstein, S Arnon
Water Resources Research 52 (9), 7460-7477, 2016
Geochemical and isotopic constraints on groundwater–surface water interactions in a highly anthropized site. The Wolfen/Bitterfeld megasite (Mulde subcatchment, Germany)
E Petelet-Giraud, P Negrel, L Gourcy, C Schmidt, M Schirmer
Environmental Pollution 148 (3), 707-717, 2007
Influence of Hydrological Perturbations and Riverbed Sediment Characteristics on Hyporheic Zone Respiration of CO2 and N2
ME Newcomer, SS Hubbard, JH Fleckenstein, U Maier, C Schmidt, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (3), 902-922, 2018
Determining groundwater‐surface water exchange from temperature‐time series: Combining a local polynomial method with a maximum likelihood estimator
G Vandersteen, U Schneidewind, C Anibas, C Schmidt, P Seuntjens, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (2), 922-939, 2015
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