Gregor Hlawacek
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Helium ion microscopy
G Hlawacek, V Veligura, R Van Gastel, B Poelsema
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 32 (2), 2014
Characterization of step-edge barriers in organic thin-film growth
G Hlawacek, P Puschnig, P Frank, A Winkler, C Ambrosch-Draxl, ...
Science 321 (5885), 108-111, 2008
Bio-recycling of metals: Recycling of technical products using biological applications
K Pollmann, S Kutschke, S Matys, J Raff, G Hlawacek, FL Lederer
Biotechnology Advances 36 (4), 1048-1062, 2018
Helium ion microscopy
G Hlawacek, A Gölzhäuser
Springer International Publishing, 2016
Supported two-dimensional materials under ion irradiation: the substrate governs defect production
S Kretschmer, M Maslov, S Ghaderzadeh, M Ghorbani-Asl, G Hlawacek, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (36), 30827-30836, 2018
Oriented Sexiphenyl Single Crystal Nanoneedles on TiO2 (110)
G Koller, S Berkebile, JR Krenn, G Tzvetkov, G Hlawacek, O Lengyel, ...
Advanced materials 16 (23‐24), 2159-2162, 2004
Nucleation and growth of thin films of rod-like conjugated molecules
G Hlawacek, C Teichert
Journal of physics: Condensed matter 25 (14), 143202, 2013
Initial stages of a para-hexaphenyl film growth on amorphous mica
T Potocar, S Lorbek, D Nabok, Q Shen, L Tumbek, G Hlawacek, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 83 (7), 075423, 2011
Influence of surface temperature and surface modifications on the initial layer growth of para-hexaphenyl on mica (0 0 1)
P Frank, G Hlawacek, O Lengyel, A Satka, C Teichert, R Resel, A Winkler
Surface science 601 (10), 2152-2160, 2007
Smooth growth of organic semiconductor films on graphene for high-efficiency electronics
G Hlawacek, FS Khokhar, R van Gastel, B Poelsema, C Teichert
Nano letters 11 (2), 333-337, 2011
Wafer-scale nanofabrication of telecom single-photon emitters in silicon
M Hollenbach, N Klingner, NS Jagtap, L Bischoff, C Fowley, U Kentsch, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 7683, 2022
Nanometer scale elemental analysis in the helium ion microscope using time of flight spectrometry
N Klingner, R Heller, G Hlawacek, J von Borany, J Notte, J Huang, ...
Ultramicroscopy 162, 91-97, 2016
Molecular alignments in sexiphenyl thin films epitaxially grown on muscovite
H Plank, R Resel, H Sitter, A Andreev, NS Sariciftci, G Hlawacek, ...
Thin Solid Films 443 (1-2), 108-114, 2003
Coherent random lasing in the deep blue from self-assembled organic nanofibers
A Andreev, F Quochi, F Cordella, A Mura, G Bongiovanni, H Sitter, ...
Journal of applied physics 99 (3), 2006
Universal radiation tolerant semiconductor
A Azarov, JG Fernández, J Zhao, F Djurabekova, H He, R He, Ø Prytz, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 4855, 2023
Spontaneous rearrangement of para-sexiphenyl crystallites into nano-fibers
C Teichert, G Hlawacek, AY Andreev, H Sitter, P Frank, A Winkler, ...
Applied Physics A 82, 665-669, 2006
Surface modifications by gas plasma control osteogenic differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells
AMC Barradas, K Lachmann, G Hlawacek, C Frielink, R Truckenmoller, ...
Acta biomaterialia 8 (8), 2969-2977, 2012
Direct depth-and lateral-imaging of nanoscale magnets generated by ion impact
F Röder, G Hlawacek, S Wintz, R Hübner, L Bischoff, H Lichte, K Potzger, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16786, 2015
Digging gold: keV He+ ion interaction with Au
V Veligura, G Hlawacek, RP Berkelaar, R van Gastel, HJW Zandvliet, ...
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 4 (1), 453-460, 2013
Channeling in helium ion microscopy: Mapping of crystal orientation
V Veligura, G Hlawacek, R van Gastel, HJW Zandvliet, B Poelsema
Beilstein journal of nanotechnology 3 (1), 501-506, 2012
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