Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Gijs SchumacherSaiba mais
1 artigo não disponível publicamente
Using measures of psychophysiological and neural activity to advance understanding of psychological processes in politics
BN Bakker, G Schumacher
Handbook of Innovations in Political Psychology, 415-452, 2025
Autorizações: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission
44 artigos disponíveis publicamente
Explaining the salience of anti-elitism and reducing political corruption for political parties in Europe with the 2014 Chapel Hill Expert Survey data
MZ Jon Polk, Jan Rovny, Ryan Bakker, Erica Edwards, Liesbet Hooghe, Seth ...
Research & Politics 4 (1), 2017
Autorizações: Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation, Swedish Research Council, European …
Do mainstream parties adapt to the welfare chauvinism of populist parties?
G Schumacher, K Van Kersbergen
Party Politics 22 (3), 300-312, 2016
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
The psychological roots of populist voting: Evidence from the United States, the Netherlands and Germany
BN Bakker, M Rooduijn, G Schumacher
European Journal of Political Research 55 (2), 302-320, 2016
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
No longer lost in translation: Evidence that Google Translate works for comparative bag-of-words text applications
E De Vries, M Schoonvelde, G Schumacher
Political Analysis 26 (4), 417-430, 2018
Autorizações: European Commission
Conservatives and Liberals have Similar Physiological Responses to Threats
B Bakker, G Schumacher, C Gothreau, K Arceneaux
Nature Human Behaviour, 2020
Autorizações: European Commission
Hot politics? Affective responses to political rhetoric
BN Bakker, G Schumacher, M Rooduijn
American Political Science Review 115 (1), 150-164, 2021
Autorizações: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission, Royal …
Liberals lecture, conservatives communicate: Analyzing complexity and ideology in 381,609 political speeches
M Schoonvelde, A Brosius, G Schumacher, BN Bakker
PloS one 14 (2), e0208450, 2019
Autorizações: European Commission
The populist appeal: Personality and antiestablishment communication
BN Bakker, G Schumacher, M Rooduijn
The Journal of Politics 83 (2), 589-601, 2021
Autorizações: European Commission
Who leads the party? On membership size, selectorates and party oligarchy
G Schumacher, N Giger
Political Studies 65 (1_suppl), 162-181, 2017
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research, European Commission
How aspiration to office conditions the impact of government participation on party platform change
G Schumacher, M Van de Wardt, B Vis, MB Klitgaard
American Journal of Political Science 59 (4), 1040-1054, 2015
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
Errors have been made, others will be blamed: Issue engagement and blame shifting in prime minister speeches during the economic crisis in Europe
D Traber, M Schoonvelde, G Schumacher
European Journal of Political Research 59 (1), 45-67, 2020
Autorizações: Swiss National Science Foundation, European Commission
When does the left do the right thing? A study of party position change on welfare policies
G Schumacher
Party Politics 21 (1), 68-79, 2015
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
EUSpeech: A New Dataset of EU Elite Speeches
G Schumacher, M Schoonvelde, T Dahiya, E de Vries, 2019
Autorizações: European Commission
The effect of economic change and elite framing on support for welfare state retrenchment: A survey experiment
P Marx, G Schumacher
Journal of European social policy 26 (1), 20-31, 2016
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
What wins public support? Communicating or obfuscating welfare state retrenchment
C Elmelund-Præstekær, MB Klitgaard, G Schumacher
European Political Science Review 7 (3), 427-450, 2015
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
The partisan politics of institutional welfare state reform
MB Klitgaard, G Schumacher, M Soentken
Journal of European Public Policy 22 (7), 948-966, 2015
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
Do leadership-dominated parties change more?
G Schumacher, N Giger
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 28 (3), 349-360, 2018
Autorizações: Danish Council for Independent Research
Yikes! Are we disgusted by politicians?
BN Bakker, G Schumacher, MD Homan
Politics and the Life Sciences 39 (2), 135-153, 2020
Autorizações: European Commission
Friends with text as data benefits: Assessing and extending the use of automated text analysis in political science and political psychology
M Schoonvelde, G Schumacher, BN Bakker
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 7 (1), 124-143, 2019
Autorizações: European Commission
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