Sara Diogo
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Citado por
The transformation of doctoral education: A systematic literature review
S Cardoso, S Santos, S Diogo, D Soares, T Carvalho
Higher Education 84 (4), 885-908, 2022
7. Institutionalism and Organizational Change
TCAA Sara Diogo
The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and …, 2015
Women rectors and leadership narratives: the same male norm?
T Carvalho, S Diogo
Education Sciences 8 (2), 75, 2018
Comparing higher education reforms in Finland and Portugal: different contexts, same solutions?
J Kauko, S Diogo
Higher education management and policy: journal of the Programme on …, 2011
Exploring the relationship between institutional and professional autonomy: A comparative study between Portugal and Finland
T Carvalho, S Diogo
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 40 (1), 18-33, 2018
Between context and comparability: Exploring new solutions for a familiar methodological challenge in qualitative comparative research
A Kosmützky, T Nokkala, S Diogo
Higher Education Quarterly 74 (2), 176-192, 2020
Non-tenured Teachers, Higher Education
T Carvalho, S Diogo
Encyclopedia of International Higher Education Systems and Institutions, 2018
Invisible researchers in the knowledge society–the Uberisation of scientific work in Portugal
T Carvalho, S Diogo, B Vilhena
European Journal of Higher Education 12 (4), 393-414, 2022
Universities in the knowledge society
T Aarrevaara, M Finkelstein, GA Jones, J Jung
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Nomination vs. election: do they influence women’s access to institutional decision-making bodies?
S Diogo, T Carvalho, Z Breda
Journal of Management and Governance 25 (3), 879-898, 2021
Inquiring into academic timescapes
F Vostal
Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021
Same challenges, different processes: Perceptions on governance changes in Portuguese and Finnish higher education
S Diogo
European Journal of Higher Education 5 (2), 211-225, 2015
International faculty in Asia: In comparative global perspective
F Huang, AR Welch
Springer Nature, 2021
Changes in Finnish and Portuguese higher education governance: Comparing national and institutional responses to the Bologna process and new public management
SMA Diogo
PQDT-Global, 2016
Active aging governance and challenges at the local level
A Fernandes, T Forte, G Santinha, S Diogo, F Alves
Geriatrics 6 (3), 64, 2021
Academic engagement in Portugal: the role of institutional diversity, individual characteristics and modes of knowledge production
A Queirós, T Carvalho, MJ Rosa, R Biscaia, MJ Manatos, P Videira, ...
Studies in Higher Education 47 (11), 2239-2252, 2022
Institutional perspectives in transition: research groups’ profiles and embeddedness in organisational and national context
T Nokkala, S Diogo
Higher Education 79 (3), 515-532, 2020
Time and Academic Multitasking–Unbounded Relation Between Professional and Personal Time
T Carvalho, S Diogo
Inquiring into Academic Timescapes, 137, 2021
Institutional policies to attract international academics in an adverse context
T Carvalho, S Cardoso, S Diogo, C Sin, P Videira
International Mobility of Academics, 2021
Looking back in anger? Putting in perspective the implementation of the Bologna process in Finnish and Portuguese higher education systems
S Diogo
European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 7 (2), 123-149, 2020
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Artigos 1–20