Aya Kachi
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A spatial model incorporating dynamic, endogenous network interdependence: A political science application
JC Hays, A Kachi, RJ Franzese Jr
Statistical Methodology 7 (3), 406-428, 2010
Climate Policy in Hard Times: Are the Pessimists Right?
A Kachi, T Bernauer, R Gampfer
Ecological Economics 114, 227-241, 2015
Obtaining public support for North-South climate funding: Evidence from conjoint experiments in donor countries
R Gampfer, T Bernauer, A Kachi
Global Environmental Change 29, 118-126, 2014
Does international pooling of authority affect the perceived legitimacy of global governance?
B Anderson, T Bernauer, A Kachi
The Review of International Organizations 14 (4), 661–683, 2019
Modeling History Dependence in Network-Behavior Coevolution
RJ Franzese, JC Hays, A Kachi
Political Analysis 20 (2), 175-190, 2012
Interdependent Duration Models in Political Science
JC Hays, A Kachi
Quantitative Research in Political Science 5, 2015
A two-level analysis of public support: Exploring the role of beliefs in opinions about the Swiss energy strategy
YB Blumer, L Braunreiter, A Kachi, R Lordan-Perret, F Oeri
Energy Research & Social Science 43, 109-118, 2018
European unilateralism and involuntary burden-sharing in global climate politics: A public opinion perspective from the other side
T Bernauer, R Gampfer, A Kachi
European Union Politics 15 (1), 132-151, 2014
Black coal, thin ice: the discursive legitimisation of Australian coal in the age of climate change
R Stutzer, A Rinscheid, TD Oliveira, PM Loureiro, A Kachi, M Duygan
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 8, 178, 2021
How information, social norms, and experience with novel meat substitutes can create positive political feedback and demand-side policy change
LP Fesenfeld, M Maier, N Brazzola, N Stolz, Y Sun, A Kachi
Food Policy 117, 102445, 2023
Introducing the Endowment-Practice-Institutions (EPI) Framework for studying agency in the institutional contestation of socio-technical regimes
M Duygan, A Kachi, TD Oliveira, A Rinscheid
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021
A tale of two coal regimes: An actor-oriented analysis of destabilisation and maintenance of coal regimes in Germany and Japan
M Duygan, A Kachi, P Temocin, G Trencher
Energy Research & Social Science 105, 103297, 2023
A Survey of Stakeholders’ Views and Practices: Energy Policymaking in Switzerland
M Duygan, A Kachi, F Oeri, TD Oliveira, A Rinscheid
Swiss Energy Governance: Political, Economic and Legal Challenges and …, 2022
Swiss Energy Governance: Political, Economic and Legal Challenges and Opportunities in the Energy Transition
P Hettich, A Kachi
Springer Nature, 2022
A Fast Estimator for Binary Choice Models with Spatial, Temporal, and Spatio-Temporal Interdependence
J Wucherpfennig, A Kachi, NC Bormann, P Hunziker
Political Analysis 29 (4), 570-576, 2021
Lobbying Influence-The Role of Money, Strategies and Measurements
F Oeri, A Rinscheid, A Kachi, 2021
Umsetzung der Agenda 2030 und der Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Schweizer Kantonen. Ergebnisse einer Expert* innen-Umfrage in kantonalen Ämtern
B Bornemann, M Christen, A Kachi
Zenodo. https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo, 2022
Animal welfare has priority: Swiss consumers’ preferences for animal welfare, greenhouse gas reductions and other sustainability improvements in dairy products
S Richter, H Stolz, AL Martinez-Cruz, A Kachi
Food Quality and Preference 123, 105350, 2025
Climate Action Close to Home: The Role of Public Attitudes and Policy Responses in Reducing GHG Emissions
M Ebner, A Kachi, E Rhodes, K Andrew
Available at SSRN 5020017, 2024
Persistent climate policy opinion despite corrected job risk misconceptions
M Ebner, A Kachi, S Montfort
SSRN 4919490, 2024
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