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Martin StollTU ChemnitzE-mail confirmado em mathematik.tu-chemnitz.de
Jennifer ScottSTFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and the University of ReadingE-mail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Nick GouldSTFC-Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
DANIEL B. SZYLDDepartment of Mathematics, Temple University, PhiladelphiaE-mail confirmado em temple.edu
Hussam Al DaasComputational Mathematics Theme, Scientific Computing Department, STFCE-mail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Dominique OrbanProfessor of Computational Mathematics, GERAD and Ecole Polytechnique de MontrealE-mail confirmado em gerad.ca
Jennifer PestanaDepartment of Mathematics and Statistics, University of StrathclydeE-mail confirmado em strath.ac.uk
Andrew T. BarkerMath Algorithm Engineer, IntelE-mail confirmado em intel.com
Michael WathenPlymouth Marine LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em pml.ac.uk
Federico Montesino PouzolsEuropean Southern ObservatoryE-mail confirmado em eso.org
Anders MarkvardsenSTFC, ISIS FacilityE-mail confirmado em markvardsen.net
H. Sue ThorneSTFC Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Tim SnowDiamond Light Source & University of BristolE-mail confirmado em cunninglemon.com
Andrew R. McCluskeyUniversity of BristolE-mail confirmado em bristol.ac.uk
Atijit AnuchitanukulImperial College LondonE-mail confirmado em imperial.ac.uk
Niall BootlandComputational Mathematics Group, STFC Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Jonathan HoggSTFC Rutherford Appleton LaboratoryE-mail confirmado em stfc.ac.uk
Tyrone Rees
Computational Mathematics Group, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
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