Artigos com autorizações de acesso público - Eckhard KliemeSaiba mais
8 artigos não disponíveis publicamente
Generic dimensions of teaching quality: The German framework of three basic dimensions
AK Praetorius, E Klieme, B Herbert, P Pinger
Zdm 50, 407-426, 2018
Autorizações: Leibniz Association
Quality of geometry instruction and its short-term impact on students' understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem
F Lipowsky, K Rakoczy, C Pauli, B Drollinger-Vetter, E Klieme, K Reusser
Learning and instruction 19 (6), 527-537, 2009
Autorizações: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
One lesson is all you need? Stability of instructional quality across lessons
AK Praetorius, C Pauli, K Reusser, K Rakoczy, E Klieme
Learning and instruction 31, 2-12, 2014
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Written feedback in mathematics: Mediated by students' perception, moderated by goal orientation
K Rakoczy, B Harks, E Klieme, W Blum, J Hochweber
Learning and Instruction 27, 63-73, 2013
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
The interplay between student evaluation and instruction: Grading and feedback in mathematics classrooms
K Rakoczy, E Klieme, A Bürgermeister, B Harks
Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology 216 (2), 111-124, 2008
Autorizações: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
The impact of PISA on mathematics teaching and learning in Germany
M Prenzel, W Blum, E Klieme
Assessing mathematical literacy: The PISA experience, 239-248, 2015
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Klassenklima, schulisches Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Deutschland: Ergebnisse des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS)
K Rathmann, M Herke, K Hurrelmann, M Richter
Das Gesundheitswesen 80 (04), 332-341, 2018
Autorizações: German Research Foundation, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Assessment of competencies.
D Leutner, E Klieme
Hogrefe & Huber Publishers 216 (2), 60, 2008
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
24 artigos disponíveis publicamente
Current issues in competence modeling and assessment
K Koeppen, J Hartig, E Klieme, D Leutner
Zeitschrift für Psychologie/Journal of Psychology 216 (2), 61-73, 2008
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
The effects of feedback on achievement, interest and self-evaluation: the role of feedback’s perceived usefulness
B Harks, K Rakoczy, J Hattie, M Besser, E Klieme
Educational Psychology 34 (3), 269-290, 2014
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
The time on task effect in reading and problem solving is moderated by task difficulty and skill: insights from a computer-based large-scale assessment.
F Goldhammer, J Naumann, A Stelter, K Tóth, H Rölke, E Klieme
Journal of Educational Psychology 106 (3), 608, 2014
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Formative assessment in mathematics: Mediated by feedback's perceived usefulness and students' self-efficacy
K Rakoczy, P Pinger, J Hochweber, E Klieme, B Schütze, M Besser
Learning and instruction 60, 154-165, 2019
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Teaching patterns and learning quality in Swiss and German mathematics lessons
I Hugener, C Pauli, K Reusser, F Lipowsky, K Rakoczy, E Klieme
Learning and instruction 19 (1), 66-78, 2009
Autorizações: Swiss National Science Foundation, German Research Foundation
Learning with classroom videos: Conception and first results of an online teacher-training program
K Krammer, N Ratzka, E Klieme, F Lipowsky, C Pauli, K Reusser
ZDM 38, 422-432, 2006
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Kompetenzmodellierung: struktur, konzepte und forschungszugänge des DFG-schwerpunktprogramms
J Fleischer, K Koeppen, M Kenk, E Klieme, D Leutner
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 16 (1), 5-22, 2013
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Competence assessment in education
D Leutner, J Fleischer, J Grünkorn, E Klieme
Basel: Springer. doi 10, 978-3, 2017
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
An application of explanatory item response modeling for model-based proficiency scaling
J Hartig, A Frey, G Nold, E Klieme
Educational and Psychological Measurement 72 (4), 665-686, 2012
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
Implementation of formative assessment–effects of quality of programme delivery on students’ mathematics achievement and interest
P Pinger, K Rakoczy, M Besser, E Klieme
Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice 25 (2), 160-182, 2018
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
The significance of dealing with mistakes for student achievement and motivation: results of doubly latent multilevel analyses
J Käfer, S Kuger, E Klieme, M Kunter
European journal of psychology of education 34, 731-753, 2019
Autorizações: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Training effects on teachers’ feedback practice: The mediating function of feedback knowledge and the moderating role of self-efficacy
B Schütze, K Rakoczy, E Klieme, M Besser, D Leiss
ZDM 49, 475-489, 2017
Autorizações: German Research Foundation
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