Thomas Geay
Thomas Geay
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Passive acoustic monitoring of bed load discharge in a large gravel bed river
T Geay, P Belleudy, C Gervaise, H Habersack, J Aigner, A Kreisler, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (2), 528-545, 2017
Field application and validation of a seismic bedload transport model
M Bakker, F Gimbert, T Geay, C Misset, S Zanker, A Recking
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (5), e2019JF005416, 2020
Combining multi-physical measurements to quantify bedload transport and morphodynamics interactions in an Alpine braiding river reach
C Misset, A Recking, C Legout, M Bakker, N Bodereau, L Borgniet, ...
Geomorphology 351, 106877, 2020
Passive acoustic measurement of bedload transport: Toward a global calibration curve?
T Geay, S Zanker, C Misset, A Recking
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 125 (8), e2019JF005242, 2020
Passive acoustic measurement of bedload grain size distribution using self-generated noise
T Petrut, T Geay, C Gervaise, P Belleudy, S Zanker
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (1), 767-787, 2018
Relevance of acoustic methods to quantify bedload transport and bedform dynamics in a large sandy-gravel-bed river
J Le Guern, S Rodrigues, T Geay, S Zanker, A Hauet, P Tassi, N Claude, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics 9 (3), 423-444, 2021
Tentative measurements of bedload transport in an energetic alpine gravel bed river
B Camenen, M Jaballah, T Geay, P Belleudy, JB Laronne, JP Laskowski
River flow, 379-386, 2012
Spectral variations of underwater river sounds
T Geay, P Belleudy, JB Laronne, B Camenen, C Gervaise
Earth surface processes and landforms 42 (14), 2447-2456, 2017
Acoustic wave propagation in rivers: An experimental study
T Geay, L Michel, S Zanker, JR Rigby
Earth Surface Dynamics 7 (2), 537-548, 2019
Mesure acoustique passive du transport par charriage dans les rivières
T Geay
Université de Grenoble, 2013
Using continuous turbidity and seismic measurements to unravel sediment provenance and interaction between suspended and bedload transport in an Alpine catchment
C Misset, A Recking, C Legout, M Bakker, F Gimbert, T Geay, S Zanker
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (4), e2020GL090696, 2021
Mesure acoustique passive du transport par charriage dans les rivières [Passive Acoustic measurement of bedload transport in rivers]
T Geay
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 2013
A physical model for acoustic noise generated by bedload transport in rivers
M Nasr, T Geay, S Zanker, A Recking
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 127 (1), e2021JF006167, 2022
An autonomous low-power instrument platform for monitoring water and solid discharges in mesoscale rivers
G Nord, Y Michielin, R Biron, M Esteves, G Freche, T Geay, A Hauet, ...
Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems 9 (1), 41-67, 2020
An estimate of bedload discharge in rivers with passive acoustic measurements: Towards a generalized calibration curve?
T Geay, S Zanker, A Hauet, C Misset, A Recking
E3S Web of Conferences 40, 04009, 2018
Optimization of passive acoustic bedload monitoring in rivers by signal inversion
M Nasr, A Johannot, T Geay, S Zanker, J Le Guern, A Recking
Earth Surface Dynamics 12 (1), 117-134, 2024
Measuring bedload grain-size distributions with passive acoustic measurements
T Geay, S Zanker, T Petrut, A Recking
E3S Web of Conferences 40, 04010, 2018
Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Bed Load with Drifted Hydrophone
M Nasr, A Johannot, T Geay, S Zanker, J Le Guern, A Recking
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 149 (7), 06023003, 2023
Measurement of sand transport with a submerged pump: presentation of the results of a test campaign carried out on the Isère River in July 2019
A Recking, F Lauters, S Zanker, M Regazzoni, T Geay, B Camenen, ...
River flow, proceedings of the 9th international conference on fluvial …, 2020
River Platform for Monitoring Erosion (RIPLE) in mountainous rivers
Y Michielin, G Nord, M Esteves, T Geay, A Hauet
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 10300, 2017
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