Jonas Neubert
Jonas Neubert
Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg
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The assessment of 21st century skills in industrial and organizational psychology: Complex and collaborative problem solving
JC Neubert, J Mainert, A Kretzschmar, S Greiff
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 8 (2), 238-268, 2015
Construct validity of complex problem solving: A comprehensive view on different facets of intelligence and school grades
A Kretzschmar, JC Neubert, S Wüstenberg, S Greiff
Intelligence 54, 55-69, 2016
The computer-based assessment of complex problem solving and how it is influenced by students’ information and communication technology literacy.
S Greiff, A Kretzschmar, JC Müller, B Spinath, R Martin
Journal of Educational Psychology 106 (3), 666, 2014
On the relation of complex problem solving, personality, fluid intelligence, and academic achievement
S Greiff, JC Neubert
Learning and Individual Differences 36, 37-48, 2014
Extending the assessment of complex problem solving to finite state automata
JC Neubert, A Kretzschmar, S Wüstenberg, S Greiff
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2014
The multiple faces of complex problems: A model of problem solving competency and its implications for training and assessment
A Fischer, JC Neubert
Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 1, 6-6, 2015
Comparison of ability tests administered online and in the laboratory
JM Ihme, F Lemke, K Lieder, F Martin, JC Müller, S Schmidt
Behavior Research Methods 41, 1183-1189, 2009
Komplexes Problemlösen, schulfachliche Kompetenzen und ihre Relation zu Schulnoten
A Kretzschmar, JC Neubert, S Greiff
Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 2014
Linking complex problem solving and general mental ability to career advancement: Does a transversal skill reveal incremental predictive validity?
J Mainert, A Kretzschmar, JC Neubert, S Greiff
International Journal of Lifelong Education 34 (4), 393-411, 2015
Complex problem-solving in a changing world: bridging domain-specific and transversal competence demands in vocational education
J Neubert, T Lans, M Mustafic, S Greiff, P Ederer
Competence-based Vocational and Professional Education: Bridging the Worlds …, 2017
Exploring Exploration: Inquiries into Exploration Behavior in Complex Problem Solving Assessment.
JC Müller, A Kretzschmar, S Greiff, JC Müller
EDM, 336-337, 2013
Sense of Coherence and Consumption of Psychoactive Substances in Adolescents: Results of a Longitudinal Study Over 10 Years
CEM Wippermann, D Grevenstein, E Nagy, JC Neubert, R Verres, ...
Wofür übernehmen Unternehmungen Verantwortung? Und wie kommunizieren sie ihre Verantwortungsübernahme?
S Beyer, S Bohn, T Grünheid, SGM Händschke, R Kerekes, J Müller, ...
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik 15 (1), 2014
Determinants of individual occupational careers in the 21st century. Does complex problem solving matter beyond general mental ability?
J Mainert, A Kretzschmar, J NEUBERT, S Greiff
17th Conference of the European Association of Work and Organizational …, 2015
Complex Problem Solving and Organizational Psychology: Of Nomological Networks, Microworlds, and Interdisciplinary Dialogue
JC Neubert
Problem solving—facilitating the utilization of a concept towards lifelong education
S Greiff, JC Neubert, C Niepel, P Ederer
International Journal of Lifelong Education 34 (4), 373-375, 2015
Enhancing Complex Problem Solving Skills of Employees in the Lifelong Learning Context: Evidence Based on Microdata
M Lubyova, P Babos, J Neubert, S Greiff
Submitted to Journal of Economic Psychology, 2015
Mit der kombinierten Beratung zur erfolgreichen Studienorientierung?
M Schulz-Kuna, K Erdmann, J Neubert
Zeitschrift für Beratung und Studium, 2024
Exploiting process data. The link of students’ behavior to performance in PISA 2012 problem solving.
S Wüstenberg, J Neubert, K Hardt, J Rudolph, S Greiff
EARLI, 2015
Linking complex problem solving to Innovation via opportunity competence
Y Baggen, J Mainert, J Neubert, H Biemans, S Greiff, M Mulder
International Journal of Lifelong Education 34, 2015
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Artigos 1–20