Åge Johnsen
Åge Johnsen
Professor of Public Policy
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What does 25 years of experience tell us about the state of performance measurement in public policy and management?
Å Johnsen
Public Money and Management 25 (1), 9-17, 2005
Balanced scorecard: theoretical perspectives and public management implications
Å Johnsen
Managerial auditing journal 16 (6), 319-330, 2001
Factors behind organizational learning from benchmarking: Experiences from Norwegian municipal benchmarking networks
J Askim, Å Johnsen, KA Christophersen
Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 18 (2), 297-320, 2008
Strategic management thinking and practice in the public sector: A strategic planning for all seasons?
Å Johnsen
Financial Accountability & Management 31 (3), 243-268, 2015
Resultatstyring i offentlig sektor: konkurranse uten marked
Å Johnsen
Fagbokforlaget, 2007
Performance auditing in local government: an exploratory study of perceived efficiency of municipal value for money auditing in Finland and Norway
Å Johnsen, P Meklin, L Oulasvirta, J Vakkuri
European accounting review 10 (3), 583-599, 2001
Implementation mode and local government performance measurement: a Norwegian experience
A Johnsen
Financial Accountability & Management 15 (1), 41-66, 1999
Distinctive research patterns on public sector performance measurement of public administration and accounting disciplines
G Jan van Helden, Å Johnsen, J Vakkuri
Public Management Review 10 (5), 641-651, 2008
Strategic planning and management in local government in Norway: Status after three decades
Å Johnsen
Scandinavian Political Studies 39 (4), 333-365, 2016
Impacts of strategic planning and management in municipal government: An analysis of subjective survey and objective production and efficiency measures in Norway
Å Johnsen
Toward a More Strategic View of Strategic Planning Research, 88-111, 2022
Performance audits and supreme audit institutions’ impact on public administration: The case of the office of the auditor general in Norway
K Reichborn-Kjennerud, Å Johnsen
Administration & Society 50 (10), 1422-1446, 2018
Public sector audit in contemporary society: A short review and introduction
Å Johnsen
Financial Accountability & Management 35 (2), 121-127, 2019
Supreme audit institutions in a high‐impact context: A comparative analysis of performance audit in four Nordic countries
Å Johnsen, K Reichborn‐Kjennerud, T Carrington, KK Jeppesen, K Taro, ...
Financial Accountability & Management 35 (2), 158-181, 2019
Reforming central government: An evaluation of an accounting innovation
M Ezzamel, N Hyndman, A Johnsen, I Lapsley
Critical Perspectives on Accounting 25 (4-5), 409-422, 2014
Is there a Nordic perspective on public sector performance measurement?
Å Johnsen, J Vakkuri
Financial Accountability & Management 22 (3), 291-308, 2006
The life-cycle approach to performance management: Implications for public management and evaluation
GJ Helden, Å Johnsen, J Vakkuri
Evaluation 18 (2), 159-175, 2012
Experiencing institutionalization: the development of new budgets in the UK devolved bodies
M Ezzamel, N Hyndman, Å Johnsen, I Lapsley, J Pallot
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 20 (1), 11-40, 2007
The strategic options of supreme audit institutions: The case of four Nordic countries
KK Jeppesen, T Carrington, B Catasús, Å Johnsen, ...
Financial Accountability & Management 33 (2), 146-170, 2017
Conflict and rationality: accounting in Northern Ireland's devolved assembly
M Ezzamel, N Hyndman, Å Johnsen, I Lapsley, J Pallot
Financial Accountability & Management 21 (1), 33-55, 2005
Has devolution increased democratic accountability?
M Ezzamel, NS Hyndman, Å Johnsen, I Lapsley, J Pallot
Public Money & Management 24 (3), 145-152, 2004
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