Nicholas Witte
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Application of the τ-Function Theory¶ of Painlevé Equations to Random Matrices:¶ PIV, PII and the GUE
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Communications in Mathematical Physics 219 (2), 357-398, 2001
Finite one-dimensional impenetrable Bose systems: Occupation numbers
PJ Forrester, NE Frankel, TM Garoni, NS Witte
Physical Review A 67 (4), 043607, 2003
Application of the τ‐function theory of Painlevé equations to random matrices: PV, PIII, the LUE, JUE, and CUE
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Journal Issued by the …, 2002
Application of the τ-function theory of Painlevé equations to random matrices: PVI, the JUE, CyUE, cJUE and scaled limits
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Nagoya Mathematical Journal 174, 29-114, 2004
Gap probabilities in the finite and scaled Cauchy randommatrixensembles
NS Witte, PJ Forrester
Nonlinearity 13 (6), 1965, 2000
Hypergeometric solutions to the q-Painlevé equation of type
T Hamamoto, K Kajiwara, NS Witte
International Mathematics Research Notices 2006, 84619, 2006
Moments of the Gaussian β Ensembles and the large-N expansion of the densities
NS Witte, PJ Forrester
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (8), 2014
Painlevé transcendent evaluations of finite system density matrices for 1d impenetrable bosons
PJ Forrester, NE Frankel, TM Garoni, NS Witte
Communications in mathematical physics 238, 257-285, 2003
New transformations for Painleve's third transcendent
N Witte
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 132, 1649-1658, 2004
Discriminants and functional equations for polynomials orthogonal on the unit circle
MEH Ismail, NS Witte
Journal of Approximation Theory 110 (2), 200-228, 2001
Bi-orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, regular semi-classical weights and integrable systems
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Constructive approximation 24 (2), 201-237, 2006
The distribution of the first eigenvalue spacing at the hard edge of the Laguerre unitary ensemble
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Kyushu Journal of Mathematics 61 (2), 457-526, 2007
Boundary conditions associated with the Painlevé III′ and V evaluations of some random matrix averages
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (28), 8983, 2006
Semiclassical orthogonal polynomial systems on nonuniform lattices, deformations of the Askey table, and analogues of isomonodromy
NS Witte
Nagoya Mathematical Journal 219, 127-234, 2015
Discrete Painlevé equations, orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, and N-recurrences for averages over U(N) —PIII′ and PV τ-functions
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
International Mathematics Research Notices 2004 (4), 159-183, 2004
Gap probabilities for edgeintervals in finite Gaussian and Jacobi unitary matrix ensembles
NS Witte, PJ Forrester, CM Cosgrove
Nonlinearity 13 (5), 1439, 2000
Painlevé II in random matrix theory and related fields
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Constructive Approximation 41 (3), 589-613, 2015
Discrete Painlevé equations and random matrix averages
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Nonlinearity 16 (6), 1919, 2003
Exact Wigner surmise type evaluation of the spacing distribution in the bulk of the scaled random matrix ensembles
PJ Forrester, NS Witte
Letters in Mathematical Physics 53, 195-200, 2000
Large N expansions for the Laguerre and Jacobi β-ensembles from the loop equations
PJ Forrester, AA Rahman, NS Witte
Journal of Mathematical Physics 58 (11), 2017
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