Michael Rohwerder
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Molecular layering of fluorinated ionic liquids at a charged sapphire (0001) surface
M Mezger, H Schroder, H Reichert, S Schramm, JS Okasinski, S Schoder, ...
Science 322 (5900), 424-428, 2008
High-resolution Kelvin probe microscopy in corrosion science: scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy (SKPFM) versus classical scanning Kelvin probe (SKP)
M Rohwerder, F Turcu
Electrochimica Acta 53 (2), 290-299, 2007
Conducting polymers for corrosion protection: What makes the difference between failure and success?
M Rohwerder, A Michalik
Electrochimica Acta 53 (3), 1300-1313, 2007
Redox‐responsive self‐healing for corrosion protection
A Vimalanandan, LP Lv, TH Tran, K Landfester, D Crespy, M Rohwerder
Advanced Materials 25 (48), 6980-6984, 2013
On the development of polypyrrole coatings with self-healing properties for iron corrosion protection
G Paliwoda-Porebska, M Stratmann, M Rohwerder, K Potje-Kamloth, Y Lu, ...
Corrosion science 47 (12), 3216-3233, 2005
Recent progress in microstructural hydrogen mapping in steels: quantification, kinetic analysis, and multi-scale characterisation
M Koyama, M Rohwerder, CC Tasan, A Bashir, E Akiyama, K Takai, ...
Materials Science and Technology 33 (13), 1481-1496, 2017
Near-surface ion distribution and buffer effects during electrochemical reactions
M Auinger, I Katsounaros, JC Meier, SO Klemm, PU Biedermann, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (36), 16384-16394, 2011
Redox responsive release of hydrophobic self-healing agents from polyaniline capsules
LP Lv, Y Zhao, N Vilbrandt, M Gallei, A Vimalanandan, M Rohwerder, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (38), 14198-14205, 2013
Potential control under thin aqueous layers using a Kelvin Probe
GS Frankel, M Stratmann, M Rohwerder, A Michalik, B Maier, J Dora, ...
Corrosion science 49 (4), 2021-2036, 2007
Multi-scale and spatially resolved hydrogen mapping in a Ni–Nb model alloy reveals the role of the δ phase in hydrogen embrittlement of alloy 718
Z Tarzimoghadam, M Rohwerder, SV Merzlikin, A Bashir, L Yedra, ...
Acta Materialia 109, 69-81, 2016
Hydrogen detection in metals: a review and introduction of a Kelvin probe approach
S Evers, C Senöz, M Rohwerder
Science and technology of advanced materials, 2013
The physical meaning of electrode potentials at metal surfaces and polymer/metal interfaces: consequences for delamination
R Hausbrand, M Stratmann, M Rohwerder
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 155 (7), C369, 2008
Influence of microstructure and atomic-scale chemistry on the direct reduction of iron ore with hydrogen at 700 C
SH Kim, X Zhang, Y Ma, IR Souza Filho, K Schweinar, K Angenendt, ...
Acta Materialia 212, 116933, 2021
A pore view of corrosion
M Stratmann, M Rohwerder
Nature 410 (6827), 421-423, 2001
Scanning Kelvin probe as a highly sensitive tool for detecting hydrogen permeation with high local resolution
C Senöz, S Evers, M Stratmann, M Rohwerder
Electrochemistry communications 13 (12), 1542-1545, 2011
Regenerative nano-hybrid coating tailored for autonomous corrosion protection
TH Tran, A Vimalanandan, G Genchev, J Fickert, K Landfester, D Crespy, ...
Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.) 27 (25), 3825-3830, 2015
Dependence of hydrogen embrittlement mechanisms on microstructure-driven hydrogen distribution in medium Mn steels
B Sun, W Krieger, M Rohwerder, D Ponge, D Raabe
Acta Materialia 183, 313-328, 2020
Conducting polymers for corrosion protection: a review
M Rohwerder
International journal of materials research 100 (10), 1331-1342, 2009
Corrosion performance of Zn–Mg–Al coated steel in accelerated corrosion tests used in the automotive industry and field exposures
N LeBozec, D Thierry, A Peltola, L Luxem, G Luckeneder, G Marchiaro, ...
Materials and Corrosion 64 (11), 969-978, 2013
Effect of carbon dioxide on the atmospheric corrosion of Zn–Mg–Al coated steel
N LeBozec, D Thierry, M Rohwerder, D Persson, G Luckeneder, L Luxem
Corrosion Science 74, 379-386, 2013
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