Marcelo de Paiva Guimarães
Citado por
Citado por
Realidade virtual e aumentada: conceitos, projeto e aplicações
C Kirner, R Siscoutto
Porto Alegre, 2007
Machine learning applied to software testing: A systematic mapping study
VHS Durelli, RS Durelli, SS Borges, AT Endo, MM Eler, DRC Dias, ...
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 68 (3), 1189-1212, 2019
A checklist to evaluate augmented reality applications
MDP Guimaraes, VF Martins
2014 XVI Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality, 45-52, 2014
Desafios para o uso de Realidade Virtual e Aumentada de maneira efetiva no ensino
VF Martins, MDP Guimarães
Problem based learning associated to the development of games for programming teaching
VF Martins, I de Almeida Souza Concilio, M de Paiva Guimarães
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 26 (5), 1577-1589, 2018
Avaliação de impacto à saúde da incidência de dengue associada à pluviosidade no município de Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo
AFB Gabriel, KC Abe, MP Guimarães, SGEK Miraglia
Cadernos Saúde Coletiva 26, 446-452, 2018
WebAR: A web-augmented reality-based authoring tool with experience API support for educational applications
A Barone Rodrigues, DRC Dias, VF Martins, PA Bressan, ...
Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Designing Novel Interactions …, 2017
Um ambiente para o desenvolvimento de aplicações de Realidade Virtual baseadas em aglomerados gráficos
MP Guimarães
Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2004
Fator de risco cardiovascular: a obesidade entre crianças e adolescentes nas macrorregiões brasileiras
MSG Junior, AS Fraga, TB Araújo, MCC Tenório
RBONE-Revista Brasileira de Obesidade, Nutrição e Emagrecimento 12 (69), 132-142, 2018
An olfactory display for virtual reality glasses
M de Paiva Guimarães, JM Martins, DRC Dias, RFR Guimarães, ...
Multimedia Systems 28 (5), 1573-1583, 2022
Usability test for Augmented Reality applications
VF Martins, M de Paiva Guimaràes, AG Correa
2013 XXXIX Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI), 1-10, 2013
Immersive and interactive virtual reality applications based on 3D web browsers
M de Paiva Guimarães, DRC Dias, JH Mota, BB Gnecco, VHS Durelli, ...
Multimedia tools and applications 77, 347-361, 2018
Graphical interaction devices for distributed virtual reality systems
M de Paiva Guimarães, BB Gnecco, MK Zuffo
Proceedings of the 2004 ACM SIGGRAPH international conference on Virtual …, 2004
Design and evaluation of an advanced virtual reality system for visualization of dentistry structures
DRC Dias, MP Neto, JRF Brega, BB Gnecco, LC Trevelin, ...
2012 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 429-435, 2012
Biomechanics sensor node for virtual reality: a wearable device applied to gait recovery for neurofunctional rehabilitation
AF Brandão, DRC Dias, STM Reis, CM Cabreira, MCM Frade, T Beltrame, ...
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 757-770, 2020
Challenges and Possibilities of Use of Augmented Reality in Education: Case Study in Music Education
VF Martins, L Gomes, M de Paiva Guimarães
Computational Science and Its Applications--ICCSA 2015: 15th International …, 2015
Music-AR: Augmented reality in teaching the concept of sound loudness to children in pre-school
L Gomes, VF Martins, DC Dias, M de Paiva Guimarães
2014 XVI symposium on virtual and augmented reality, 114-117, 2014
Virtual hang-gliding over Rio de Janeiro.
LP Soares, L Nomura, MC Cabral, M Nagamura, R de Deus Lopes, ...
SIGGRAPH Emerging Technologies, 29, 2005
Gesturecollection for motor and cognitive stimuli: virtual reality and e-health prospects
AF Brandão, DRC Dias, MP Guimarães, LC Trevelin, NA Parizotto, ...
Journal of Health Informatics 10 (1), 2018
Usability evaluation of learning objects with augmented reality for smartphones: A reinterpretation of nielsen heuristics
B de Almeida Pacheco, M Guimarães, AG Correa, V Farinazzo Martins
Iberoamerican Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction, 214-228, 2018
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