Osman M. Karatepe
Osman M. Karatepe
Vice Rector (Academic Affairs) and Professor of Marketing, Eastern Mediterranean University
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The effect of management commitment to service quality on employees' affective and performance outcomes
E Babakus, U Yavas, OM Karatepe, T Avci
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 31 (3), 272-286, 2003
High-performance work practices and hotel employee performance: The mediation of work engagement
OM Karatepe
International Journal of Hospitality Management 32 (1), 132-140, 2013
Measuring service quality of banks: Scale development and validation
OM Karatepe, U Yavas, E Babakus
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 12 (5), 373-383, 2005
Relationships of supervisor support and conflicts in the work–family interface with the selected job outcomes of frontline employees
OM Karatepe, H Kilic
Tourism management 28 (1), 238-252, 2007
Customer complaints and organizational responses: the effects of complainants’ perceptions of justice on satisfaction and loyalty
OM Karatepe
International Journal of Hospitality Management 25 (1), 69-90, 2006
The effects of work overload and work-family conflict on job embeddedness and job performance: The mediation of emotional exhaustion
OM Karatepe
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 25 (4), 614-634, 2013
The effects of selected individual characteristics on frontline employee performance and job satisfaction
OM Karatepe, O Uludag, I Menevis, L Hadzimehmedagic, L Baddar
Tourism Management 27 (4), 547-560, 2006
The effects of work role and family role variables on psychological and behavioral outcomes of frontline employees
OM Karatepe, A Sokmen
Tourism management 27 (2), 255-268, 2006
The effects of job and personal resources on hotel employees’ work engagement
OM Karatepe, OA Olugbade
International Journal of Hospitality Management 28 (4), 504-512, 2009
Do psychological capital and work engagement foster frontline employees’ satisfaction? A study in the hotel industry
OM Karatepe, G Karadas
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 27 (6), 1254-1278, 2015
Conflict, exhaustion, and motivation: A study of frontline employees in Northern Cyprus hotels
OM Karatepe, O Uludag
International Journal of Hospitality Management 26 (3), 645-665, 2007
The effects of work-family conflict, emotional exhaustion, and intrinsic motivation on job outcomes of front-line employees
OM Karatepe, M Tekinkus
International Journal of Bank Marketing 24 (3), 173-193, 2006
Attitudinal and behavioral consequences of work-family conflict and family-work conflict: does gender matter?
U Yavas, E Babakus, OM Karatepe
International Journal of Service Industry Management 19 (1), 7-31, 2008
An exploration of the factors influencing social media continuance usage and information sharing intentions among Korean travelers
K Hur, TT Kim, OM Karatepe, G Lee
Tourism Management 63 (December), 170-178, 2017
High-performance work practices, work social support and their effects on job embeddedness and turnover intentions
OM Karatepe
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 25 (6), 903-921, 2013
Emotional dissonance and emotional exhaustion among hotel employees in Nigeria
OM Karatepe, KD Aleshinloye
International Journal of Hospitality Management 28 (3), 349-358, 2009
An empirical study of the selected consequences of frontline employees’ work–family conflict and family–work conflict
OM Karatepe, L Baddar
Tourism Management 27 (5), 1017-1028, 2006
Perceived organizational support, career satisfaction, and performance outcomes: a study of hotel employees in Cameroon
OM Karatepe
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 24 (5), 735-752, 2012
The Mediating Role of Work Engagement in the Relationship between High-Performance Work Practices and Job Outcomes of Employees in Nigeria
OM Karatepe, OA Olugbade
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 28 (10), 2350-2371, 2016
Outcomes of customer verbal aggression among hotel employees
OM Karatepe, I Yorganci, M Haktanir
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 21 (6), 713-733, 2009
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