Shyamanta M. Hazarika
Shyamanta M. Hazarika
Professor, Mechanical Engineering and M F School of Data Sc. & AI, IIT Guwahati, INDIA
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Qualitative spatial representation and reasoning: An overview
AG Cohn, SM Hazarika
Fundamenta informaticae 46 (1-2), 1-29, 2001
An insight into assistive technology for the visually impaired and blind people: state-of-the-art and future trends
A Bhowmick, SM Hazarika
Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces 11, 149-172, 2017
Qualitative Spatio-Temporal Representation and Reasoning: Trends and Future Directions
SM Hazarika
Premier Reference Series, IGI Global, 2012
Bispectral analysis of EEG for emotion recognition
N Kumar, K Khaund, SM Hazarika
Procedia Computer Science 84, 31-35, 2016
E-mail spam filtering: a review of techniques and trends
A Bhowmick, SM Hazarika
Advances in Electronics, Communication and Computing: ETAEERE-2016, 583-590, 2017
A Foundation for Region-Based Qualitative Geometry
B Bennett, AG Cohn, P Torrini, SM Hazarika
Proc. European Conference on AI (ECAI), 204-208, 2000
Towards an architecture for cognitive vision using qualitative spatio-temporal representations and abduction
AG Cohn, DR Magee, A Galata, DC Hogg, SM Hazarika
International Conference on Spatial Cognition, 232-248, 2002
Qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning: Emerging applications, trends, and directions
M Bhatt, H Guesgen, S Wölfl, S Hazarika
Spatial Cognition & Computation 11 (1), 1-14, 2011
Machine learning for e-mail spam filtering: review, techniques and trends
A Bhowmick, SM Hazarika
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.01042, 2016
Motor imagery and mental fatigue: inter-relationship and EEG based estimation
U Talukdar, SM Hazarika, JQ Gan
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 46 (1), 55-76, 2019
Qualitative spatio-temporal continuity
S Hazarika, A Cohn
Spatial Information Theory, 92-107, 2001
Describing rigid body motions in a qualitative theory of spatial regions
B Bennett, AG Cohn, P Torrini, SM Hazarika
AAAI/IAAI 30, 503-509, 2000
Formal concept analysis: current trends and directions
AK Sarmah, SM Hazarika, SK Sinha
Artificial Intelligence Review 44 (1), 47-86, 2015
Recognition of grasp types through principal components of DWT based EMG features
NM Kakoty, SM Hazarika
2011 IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 1-6, 2011
A kernel partial least square based feature selection method
U Talukdar, SM Hazarika, JQ Gan
Pattern Recognition 83, 91-106, 2018
Adaptation of Common Spatial Patterns based on mental fatigue for motor-imagery BCI
U Talukdar, SM Hazarika, JQ Gan
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 58, 101829, 2020
Qualitative spatial change: space-time histories and continuity
SM Hazarika
University of Leeds, 2005
Abducing qualitative spatio-temporal histories from partial observations
SM Hazarika, AG Cohn
KR, 14-25, 2002
State of the art in bionic hands
H Basumatary, SM Hazarika
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 50 (2), 116-130, 2020
IntelliNavi: Navigation for Blind Based on Kinect and Machine Learning
A Bhowmick, S Prakash, R Bhagat, V Prasad, SM Hazarika
Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 8th International …, 2014
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