Xiaohui Liu
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Innovation performance and channels for international technology spillovers: Evidence from Chinese high-tech industries
X Liu, T Buck
Research policy 36 (3), 355-366, 2007
The export orientation and export performance of high-technology SMEs in emerging markets: The effects of knowledge transfer by returnee entrepreneurs
I Filatotchev, X Liu, T Buck, M Wright
Journal of international business studies 40 (6), 1005-1021, 2009
Relationships between economic growth, foreign direct investment and trade: evidence from China
X Liu, P Burridge, PJN Sinclair
Applied economics 34 (11), 1433-1440, 2002
International experience and FDI location choices of Chinese firms: The moderating effects of home country government support and host country institutions
J Lu, X Liu, M Wright, I Filatotchev
Journal of International Business Studies 45, 428-449, 2014
Returnee entrepreneurs, knowledge spillovers and innovation in high-tech firms in emerging economies
X Liu, J Lu, I Filatotchev, T Buck, M Wright
Journal of International Business Studies 41, 1183-1197, 2010
Does foreign direct investment facilitate technological progress?: Evidence from Chinese industries
X Liu, C Wang
Research policy 32 (6), 945-953, 2003
Motives for outward FDI of Chinese private firms firm resources, industry dynamics, and government policies
J Lu, X Liu, H Wang
Management and organization review 7 (2), 223-248, 2011
Chinese economic development, the next stage: outward FDI?
X Liu, T Buck, C Shu
International Business Review 14 (1), 97-115, 2005
Returnee entrepreneurs, science park location choice and performance: An analysis of high–technology SMEs in China
M Wright, X Liu, T Buck, I Filatotchev
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 32 (1), 131-155, 2008
Knowledge spillovers through human mobility across national borders: Evidence from Zhongguancun Science Park in China
I Filatotchev, X Liu, J Lu, M Wright
Research Policy 40 (3), 453-462, 2011
Returnee entrepreneurs and firm performance in Chinese high-technology industries
O Dai, X Liu
International Business Review 18 (4), 373-386, 2009
Top executive pay and firm performance in China
T Buck, X Liu, R Skovoroda
Journal of International Business Studies 39, 833-850, 2008
The impact of greenfield FDI and mergers and acquisitions on innovation in Chinese high-tech industries
X Liu, H Zou
Journal of world business 43 (3), 352-364, 2008
Do cross-border mergers and acquisitions increase short-term market performance? The case of Chinese firms
F Tao, X Liu, L Gao, E Xia
International Business Review 26 (1), 189-202, 2017
Politically connected boards and top executive pay in Chinese listed firms
A Chizema, X Liu, J Lu, L Gao
Strategic Management Journal 36 (6), 890-906, 2015
The effects of corporate governance and institutional environments on export behaviour in emerging economies: Evidence from China
J Lu, B Xu, X Liu
Management International Review 49, 455-478, 2009
Human mobility and international knowledge spillovers: evidence from high‐tech small and medium enterprises in an emerging market
X Liu, M Wright, I Filatotchev, O Dai, J Lu
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 4 (4), 340-355, 2010
Expanding to outward foreign direct investment or not? A multi-dimensional analysis of entry mode transformation of Chinese private exporting firms
Y Wei, N Zheng, X Liu, J Lu
International Business Review 23 (2), 356-370, 2014
Trade, foreign direct investment and economic growth in Asian economies
X Liu, C Shu, P Sinclair
Applied Economics 41 (13), 1603-1612, 2009
Top executive compensation, regional institutions and Chinese OFDI
X Liu, J Lu, A Chizema
Journal of World Business 49 (1), 143-155, 2014
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