Nina Roczen
Nina Roczen
DIPF | Leibniz Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
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One for all?
A Brügger, FG Kaiser, N Roczen
European Psychologist, 2011
A competence model for environmental education
N Roczen, FG Kaiser, FX Bogner, M Wilson
Environment and Behavior 46 (8), 972-992, 2014
Competence formation in environmental education: Advancing ecology-specific rather than general abilities
FG Kaiser, N Roczen, FX Bogner
Umweltpsychologie 12 (2), 56-70, 2008
Assessing global competence in PISA 2018: Challenges and approaches to capturing a complex construct
C Sälzer, N Roczen
International journal of development education and global learning 10 (1), 2018
Abschlussbericht zur Evaluation des BLK-Programms" Demokratie lernen und leben"
HJ Abs, N Roczen, E Klieme
Frankfurt, Main: GFPF ua, 2007
Social, emotional and intercultural competencies: a literature review with a particular focus on the school staff
BL Nielsen, HD Laursen, LA Reol, H Jensen, A Kozina, M Vidmar, ...
European Journal of Teacher Education 42 (3), 410-428, 2019
Science-related outcomes: Attitudes, motivation, value beliefs, strategies
A Schiepe-Tiska, N Roczen, K Müller, M Prenzel, J Osborne
Assessing contexts of learning: An international perspective, 301-329, 2016
Environmental competence: The interplay between connection with nature and environmental knowledge in promoting ecological behavior
N Roczen
Die Messung von Global Competence im Rahmen von PISA 2018. Herausforderungen und mögliche Ansätze zur Erfassung eines komplexen Konstrukts
C Sälzer, N Roczen
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 21 (2), 299-316, 2018
Social background
R Watermann, K Maaz, S Bayer, N Roczen
Assessing contexts of learning: An international perspective, 117-145, 2016
Umweltkompetenz–Modellierung, Entwicklung und Förderung. Projekt Umweltkompetenz
N Roczen, FG Kaiser, FX Bogner
Kompetenzmodellierung. Zwischenbilanz des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms und …, 2010
Global Competence in PISA 2018: Einstellungen von Fünfzehnjährigen in Deutschland zu globalen und interkulturellen Themen
M Weis, K Reiss, J Mang, A Schiepe-Tiska, J Diedrich, N Roczen, N Jude
Waxmann Verlag, 2020
The search for potential origins of a favorable attitude toward nature
N Roczen, C Duvier, FX Bogner, FG Kaiser
Psyecology 3 (3), 341-352, 2012
Measuring system competence in education for sustainable development
N Roczen, F Fischer, J Fögele, J Hartig, R Mehren
Sustainability 13 (9), 4932, 2021
The structure of conflict styles in adolescents
M Filsecker, HJ Abs, N Roczen
European journal of psychological assessment, 2019
Leverage for sustainable change: Motivational sources behind ecological behavior
N Roczen, FG Kaiser, FX Bogner
Psychological approaches to sustainability: Current trends in theory …, 2010
Teachers’ social and emotional competencies: A lever for social and emotional learning in schools
I Odak, I Marušić, J Matić Bojić, S Puzić, H Bakić, N Eliasson, ...
Sociologija i prostor 61 (1), 105-122, 2023
How school influences adolescents’ conflict styles
N Roczen, HJ Abs, M Filsecker
Journal of peace education 14 (3), 325-346, 2017
The HAND in HAND Programme: Evaluation Report
S Vieluf, M Rozman, N Roczen
Frankfurt aM: DIPF| Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und …, 2020
Environmental competence
N Roczen
The interplay between connection with nature and environmental knowledge in …, 2011
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