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Sarah J. JacksonAssociate Professor, Annenberg School for Communication at University of PennsylvaniaE-mail confirmado em asc.upenn.edu
Ryan J. GallagherTikTokE-mail confirmado em tiktokusds.com
Moya BaileyProfessor, Department of Communication StudiesE-mail confirmado em northwestern.edu
Christoph RiedlD'Amore-McKim School of Business & Khoury College of Computer Sciences, Northeastern UniversityE-mail confirmado em neu.edu
Richard RadkeProfessor of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteE-mail confirmado em ecse.rpi.edu
Noshir ContractorJane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern UniversityE-mail confirmado em northwestern.edu
David LazerUniversity Distinguished Professor, Northeastern University; & Visiting Scholar, Harvard UniversityE-mail confirmado em neu.edu
Andrea G. ParkerAssociate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech)E-mail confirmado em cc.gatech.edu
Sarah ShugarsSchool of Communication & Information, Rutgers UniversityE-mail confirmado em rutgers.edu
Indrani BhattacharyaDartmouth CollegeE-mail confirmado em dartmouth.edu
Michael FoleyNortheastern UniversityE-mail confirmado em husky.neu.edu
Dietram A. ScheufeleTaylor-Bascom Chair, and Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, University of WisconsinE-mail confirmado em wisc.edu
Kenneth JosephAssociate Professor, University at BuffaloE-mail confirmado em buffalo.edu
Larissa DoroshenkoGerman Marshall Fund of the United StatesE-mail confirmado em northeastern.edu
Eric ForbushHarvard Business SchoolE-mail confirmado em hbs.edu
Allison WoodruffGoogleE-mail confirmado em google.com
Brian KeeganUniversity of Colorado BoulderE-mail confirmado em colorado.edu
Katherine OgnyanovaAssociate Professor, Rutgers UniversityE-mail confirmado em rutgers.edu
Jason RadfordResearch Scientist, Northeastern UniversityE-mail confirmado em northeastern.edu
Casey DanielAssistant Professor, University of South AlabamaE-mail confirmado em health.southalabama.edu
Brooke Foucault Welles
Professor of Communication Studies, Northeastern University
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