Débora Marques de Miranda
Débora Marques de Miranda
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, UFMG
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How is COVID-19 pandemic impacting mental health of children and adolescents?
DM De Miranda, B da Silva Athanasio, ACS Oliveira, AC Simoes-e-Silva
International journal of disaster risk reduction 51, 101845, 2020
Parental experiences of homeschooling during the COVID-19 pandemic: differences between seven European countries and between children with and without mental health conditions
LB Thorell, C Skoglund, AG de la Peña, D Baeyens, ABM Fuermaier, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry, 1-13, 2021
The copy number variation landscape of congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract
M Verbitsky, R Westland, A Perez, K Kiryluk, Q Liu, P Krithivasan, ...
Nature genetics 51 (1), 117-127, 2019
Mental health: why it still matters in the midst of a pandemic
AG Da Silva, DM Miranda, AP Diaz, ALS Teles, LF Malloy-Diniz, AP Palha
Brazilian journal of psychiatry 42, 229-231, 2020
Bereavement and psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemics: The impact of death experience on mental health
RM Joaquim, ALCB Pinto, RF Guatimosim, JJ de Paula, DS Costa, ...
Current Research in Behavioral Sciences 2, 100019, 2021
The associations between screen time and mental health in adolescents: a systematic review
RMS Santos, CG Mendes, GY Sen Bressani, S de Alcantara Ventura, ...
BMC psychology 11 (1), 1-21, 2023
Optogenetic stimulation of the M2 cortex reverts motor dysfunction in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease
LAV Magno, H Tenza-Ferrer, M Collodetti, MFG Aguiar, APC Rodrigues, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (17), 3234-3248, 2019
Association of SLITRK1 to Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome
DM Miranda, K Wigg, EM Kabia, Y Feng, P Sandor, CL Barr
American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 150 …, 2009
Molecular pathophysiology of renal tubular acidosis
PCB Pereira, DM Miranda, EA Oliveira, AC Simões e Silva
Current genomics 10 (1), 51-59, 2009
Replication of association between a SLITRK1 haplotype and Tourette Syndrome in a large sample of families
I Karagiannidis, R Rizzo, Z Tarnok, T Wolanczyk, J Hebebrand, ...
Molecular psychiatry 17 (7), 665-668, 2012
Saúde mental na pandemia de COVID-19: considerações práticas multidisciplinares sobre cognição, emoção e comportamento
LF Malloy-Diniz, JJ de Paula, DM de Miranda, MIC Pinheiro, RM Cruz, ...
Debates em psiquiatria, 2020
Parent SNAP-IV rating of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: accuracy in a clinical sample of ADHD, validity, and reliability in a Brazilian sample
DS Costa, JJ Paula, LF Malloy-Diniz, MA Romano-Silva, DM Miranda
Jornal de pediatria 95 (6), 736-743, 2019
Cytokines in chronic kidney disease: potential link of MCP-1 and dyslipidemia in glomerular diseases
HR Vianna, CMBM Soares, KD Silveira, GS Elmiro, PM Mendes, ...
Pediatric Nephrology 28, 463-469, 2013
Children's behavioral problems, screen time, and sleep problems' association with negative and positive parenting strategies during the COVID-19 outbreak in Brazil
TDO Oliveira, DS Costa, A Alvim-Soares, JJ de Paula, I Kestelman, ...
Child Abuse & Neglect 130, 105345, 2022
Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract: an embryogenetic review
ACS dos Santos Junior, DM de Miranda, AC Simões e Silva
Birth Defects Research Part C: Embryo Today: Reviews 102 (4), 374-381, 2014
Psychiatric disorders in individuals born very preterm/very low-birth weight: an individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis
PJ Anderson, DM de Miranda, MR Albuquerque, MS Indredavik, ...
EClinicalMedicine 42, 2021
Mapping the clockworks: what does the Clock Drawing Test assess in normal and pathological aging?
JJ Paula, DM Miranda, EN Moraes, LF Malloy-Diniz
Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria 71 (10), 763-768, 2013
Cross-cultural adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Parenting Styles and Dimensions Questionnaire–Short Version (PSDQ) for use in Brazil
TD Oliveira, DS Costa, MR Albuquerque, LF Malloy-Diniz, DM Miranda, ...
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 40, 410-419, 2018
Neurofibromatoses: part 1–diagnosis and differential diagnosis
LOC Rodrigues, PB Batista, EM Goloni-Bertollo, D Souza-Costa, L Eliam, ...
Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria 72 (3), 241-250, 2014
An association study between the Val66Met polymorphism of the BDNF gene and postpartum depression
P Figueira, L Malloy-Diniz, SB Campos, DM Miranda, MA Romano-Silva, ...
Archives of women's mental health 13, 285-289, 2010
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