Massive Dirac quasiparticles in the optical absorbance of graphene, silicene, germanene, and tinene L Matthes, O Pulci, F Bechstedt
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (39), 395305, 2013
297 2013 Optical properties of two-dimensional honeycomb crystals graphene, silicene, germanene, and tinene from first principles L Matthes, O Pulci, F Bechstedt
New Journal of Physics 16 (10), 105007, 2014
246 2014 Universal infrared absorbance of two-dimensional honeycomb group-IV crystals L Matthes, P Gori, O Pulci, F Bechstedt
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (3), 035438, 2013
203 2013 Infrared absorbance of silicene and germanene F Bechstedt, L Matthes, P Gori, O Pulci
Applied Physics Letters 100 (26), 2012
181 2012 Strong excitons in novel two-dimensional crystals: Silicane and germanane O Pulci, P Gori, M Marsili, V Garbuio, R Del Sole, F Bechstedt
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137 2012 Influence of out-of-plane response on optical properties of two-dimensional materials: First principles approach L Matthes, O Pulci, F Bechstedt
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128 2016 Ab initio calculation of self-energy effects on optical properties of GaAs (110) O Pulci, G Onida, R Del Sole, L Reining
Physical review letters 81 (24), 5374, 1998
113 1998 Engineering silicon nanocrystals: theoretical study of the effect of codoping with boron and phosphorus F Iori, E Degoli, R Magri, I Marri, G Cantele, D Ninno, F Trani, O Pulci, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (8), 085302, 2007
109 2007 Role of cellulose oxidation in the yellowing of ancient paper A Mosca Conte, O Pulci, A Knapik, J Bagniuk, R Del Sole, J Lojewska, ...
Physical Review Letters 108 (15), 158301, 2012
107 2012 Ab Initio Calculation of Optical Spectra of Liquids: Many-Body Effects <?format ?>in the Electronic Excitations of WaterV Garbuio, M Cascella, L Reining, RD Sole, O Pulci
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102 2006 Origin of Dirac-cone-like features in silicon structures on Ag (111) and Ag (110) P Gori, O Pulci, F Ronci, S Colonna, F Bechstedt
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (11), 2013
86 2013 Excitons in silicon nanocrystallites: The nature of luminescence E Luppi, F Iori, R Magri, O Pulci, S Ossicini, E Degoli, V Olevano
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (3), 033303, 2007
78 2007 Beyond graphene: Clean, hydrogenated and halogenated silicene, germanene, stanene, and plumbene F Bechstedt, P Gori, O Pulci
Progress in Surface Science 96 (3), 100615, 2021
76 2021 Silicon nanocrystallites in a matrix: Role of disorder and size R Guerra, I Marri, R Magri, L Martin-Samos, O Pulci, E Degoli, S Ossicini
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (15), 155320, 2009
76 2009 P-rich GaP (001)(2× 1)/(2× 2) surface: A hydrogen-adsorbate structure determined from first-principles calculations PH Hahn, WG Schmidt, F Bechstedt, O Pulci, R Del Sole
Physical Review B 68 (3), 033311, 2003
73 2003 Tunable electronic properties of two-dimensional nitrides for light harvesting heterostructures MS Prete, A Mosca Conte, P Gori, F Bechstedt, O Pulci
Applied Physics Letters 110 (1), 2017
72 2017 Electronic and optical properties of topological semimetal Cd3 As2 A Mosca Conte, O Pulci, F Bechstedt
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 45500, 2017
69 2017 Validity of Weyl fermion picture for transition metals monopnictides TaAs, TaP, NbAs, and NbP from ab initio studies D Grassano, O Pulci, A Mosca Conte, F Bechstedt
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3534, 2018
67 2018 Optical spectra of ZnO in the far ultraviolet: First-principles calculations and ellipsometric measurements P Gori, M Rakel, C Cobet, W Richter, N Esser, A Hoffmann, R Del Sole, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 81 (12), 125207, 2010
67 2010 First-principles study of acetylene adsorption on Si (100): The end-bridge structure PL Silvestrelli, O Pulci, M Palummo, R Del Sole, F Ancilotto
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