Hélio Goldenstein
Hélio Goldenstein
Professor de engenharia metalúrgica e de materiais
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Solidification of high speed steels
M Boccalini, H Goldenstein
International Materials Reviews 46 (2), 92-115, 2001
Porosity dependence of elastic constants in aluminum nitride ceramics
HN Yoshimura, AL Molisani, NE Narita, PF Cesar, H Goldenstein
Materials Research 10, 127-133, 2007
Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations of screw dislocation locking by Cottrell atmospheres in low carbon Fe–C alloys
RGA Veiga, H Goldenstein, M Perez, CS Becquart
Scripta Materialia 108, 19-22, 2015
Rare earth metal induced modification of γ-M2 C, γ-M6 C, and γ-MC eutectics in as cast M2 high speed steel
M Boccalini Jr, AVO Correa, H Goldenstein
Materials science and technology 15 (6), 621-626, 1999
Efeito da porosidade nas propriedades mecânicas de uma alumina de elevada pureza
HN Yoshimura, AL Molisani, GR Siqueira, AC de Camargo, NE Narita, ...
Cerâmica 51, 239-251, 2005
Improvement of wear resistance in a pearlitic rail steel via quenching and partitioning processing
M Masoumi, EAA Echeverri, AP Tschiptschin, H Goldenstein
Scientific reports 9 (1), 7454, 2019
Influence of bainite reaction on the kinetics of carbon redistribution during the Quenching and Partitioning process
AS Nishikawa, MJ Santofimia, J Sietsma, H Goldenstein
Acta Materialia 142, 142-151, 2018
Embedded atom computer simulation of lattice distortion and dislocation core structure and mobility in Fe Cr alloys
D Farkas, CG Schon, MSF De Lima, H Goldenstein
Acta materialia 44 (1), 409-419, 1996
Fracture toughness of dental porcelains evaluated by IF, SCF, and SEPB methods
HN Yoshimura, PF Cesar, WG Miranda Jr, CC Gonzaga, CY Okada, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 88 (6), 1680-1683, 2005
Effects of different cooling rates on the microstructure, crystallographic features, and hydrogen induced cracking of API X80 pipeline steel
MFG Ramirez, JWC Hernández, DH Ladino, M Masoumi, H Goldenstein
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 14, 1848-1861, 2021
Overall reaction kinetics and morphology of austenite decomposition between the upper nose and the Ms of a hypoeutectoid Fe-C-Cr alloy
H Goldenstein, HI Aaronson
Metallurgical Transactions A 21, 1465-1478, 1990
Role of crystallographic orientation and grain boundaries in fatigue crack propagation in used pearlitic rail steel
M Masoumi, EA Ariza, A Sinatora, H Goldenstein
Materials Science and Engineering: A 722, 147-155, 2018
Formation of carbon Cottrell atmospheres and their effect on the stress field around an edge dislocation
O Waseda, RGA Veiga, J Morthomas, P Chantrenne, CS Becquart, ...
Scripta Materialia 129, 16-19, 2017
Role of microstructure and crystallographic orientation in fatigue crack failure analysis of a heavy haul railway rail
M Masoumi, A Sinatora, H Goldenstein
Engineering Failure Analysis 96, 320-329, 2019
The role of CaO additive on sintering of aluminum nitride ceramics
AL Molisani, H Goldenstein, HN Yoshimura
Ceramics International 43 (18), 16972-16979, 2017
Room temperature mechanical properties and tribology of NICRALC and Stellite casting alloys
WS Da Silva, RM Souza, JDB Mello, H Goldenstein
Wear 271 (9-10), 1819-1827, 2011
Effects of CaCO3 content on the densification of aluminum nitride
AL Molisani, HN Yoshimura, H Goldenstein, K Watari
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 26 (15), 3431-3440, 2006
Evaluation of effect of modification-induced eutectic undercooling on microporosity formation in 356 Al alloy
R Fuoco, H Goldenstein, JE Gruzleski
Transactions American Foundrymen's Society 102, 297-306, 1994
Phase transformation mechanisms during Quenching and Partitioning of a ductile cast iron
AS Nishikawa, G Miyamoto, T Furuhara, AP Tschiptschin, H Goldenstein
Acta Materialia 179, 1-16, 2019
Characterization and methodology for calculating the mechanical properties of a TRIP-steel submitted to hot stamping and quenching and partitioning (Q&P)
EA Ariza, AS Nishikawa, H Goldenstein, AP Tschiptschin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 671, 54-69, 2016
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