Institutional challenges for integrated river basin management in Langat River Basin, Malaysia MB Mokhtar, MEH Toriman, MAA Hossain, KW Tan Water and environment journal 25 (4), 495-503, 2011 | 48 | 2011 |
An appropriate institutional framework towards integrated water resources management in Pahang River Basin, Malaysia KW Tan, M Mokhtar European journal of scientific research 27 (4), 536-547, 2009 | 33 | 2009 |
A proposed hybrid rainfall simulation model: bootstrap aggregated classification tree–artificial neural network (BACT-ANN) for the Langat River Basin, Malaysia CY Lian, YF Huang, JL Ng, M Mirzaei, CH Koo, KW Tan Journal of Water and Climate Change 11 (4), 1218-1234, 2020 | 28 | 2020 |
Water quality monitoring using biological indicators in Cameron Highlands Malaysia KW Tan, WC Beh Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (3), 28, 2015 | 22 | 2015 |
Climate change assessment on rainfall and temperature in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia, using regional climate downscaling method KW Tan, PN Loh carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 12 (2), 413-421, 2017 | 13 | 2017 |
Determination of heavy metal concentration in fish species in Kampar mining lake, Perak state of Malaysia KW Tan, KZ Sze Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 26 (6), 4202-4207, 2017 | 12 | 2017 |
Emerging issues towards sustainable river basin management in Cameron Highlands, Malaysia TK Weng, MB Mokhtar Environment and Natural Resources Journal 9 (2), 58-68, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
Space–time heterogeneity of drought characteristics in Sabah and Sarawak, East Malaysia: implications for developing effective drought monitoring and mitigation strategies YF Huang, JL Ng, KF Fung, TK Weng, N AlDahoul, AN Ahmed, M Sherif, ... Applied Water Science 13 (10), 205, 2023 | 9 | 2023 |
Rainfall Variability Index (RVI) analysis of dry spells in Malaysia YF Huang, AN Ahmed, JL Ng, KW Tan, P Kumar, A El-Shafie Natural Hazards 112 (2), 1423-1475, 2022 | 9 | 2022 |
Predicting sea levels using ML algorithms in selected locations along coastal Malaysia NA Hazrin, KL Chong, YF Huang, AN Ahmed, JL Ng, CH Koo, KW Tan, ... Heliyon 9 (9), 2023 | 8 | 2023 |
Standardized precipitation index (SPI) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) drought characteristic and trend analysis using the second generation … KF Fung, YF Huang, CH Koo, KW Tan Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 14 (2), 399-408, 2019 | 6 | 2019 |
Integrated Water Resources Management in Malaysia: An Effective Institutional Framework MB Mokhtar, KW Tan Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), National University of …, 2004 | 5 | 2004 |
Development of regional climate model (RCM) for Cameron highlands based on representative concentration pathways (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 JM Pang, KW Tan LARHYSS Journal P-ISSN 1112-3680/E-ISSN 2521-9782, 53-70, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
LOCAL PERCEPTION ON JOINT MANAGEMENT TOWARDS INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN CHINI LAKE, MALAYSIA TK Weng, MB Mokhtar Journal of Environmental Research and Development 8 (2), 346, 2013 | 4 | 2013 |
Evaluation of social perception on water issues in Cameron Highlands (Malaysia) by Principle Factor Analysis KW Tan, M Mokhtar J. of Environmental Science and Engineering 4 (4), 45-52, 2010 | 4 | 2010 |
Implementation of integrated water resources management in Malaysia: some issues and challenges TK Weng, MB Mokhtar Dicapai daripada http://www. wepa-db. net/pdf/0712forum/paper31. pdf, 2007 | 4 | 2007 |
Assessment of the Flood and Drought Occurrence Using Statistically Downscaled Local Climate Models: A Case Study in Langat River Basin, Malaysia KL Voon, KW Tan, KS Chin Civil and Environmental Engineering 18 (1), 221-233, 2022 | 3 | 2022 |
Evaluation of SRE Scenarios for Penang, Selangor and Johor in Peninsular Malaysia using PRECIS Regional Climate Model (RCM) KS Chin, KW Tan E3S Web of Conferences 65, 05020, 2018 | 3 | 2018 |
Development of statistically downscaled regional climate model based on Representative Concentration Pathways for Ipoh, Subang and KLIA Sepang in Peninsular Malaysia CK Seng, TK Weng, A Nakayama IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 945 (1), 012022, 2021 | 2 | 2021 |
Assessment of climate hazards using precis regional climate model (RCM): A case study in Cameron highlands, Pahang, Malaysia PS Suppiah, KW Tan, KS Chin, YF Huang Journal of Environmental Science and Management 23 (2), 2020 | 2 | 2020 |