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- Thomas M. Deserno, geb. LehmannPLRI, TU BraunschweigE-mail confirmado em tu-bs.de
- João Paulo PapaFull Professor, IEEE Senior, FIAPR, Fellow Alexander von Humboldt, São Paulo State UniversityE-mail confirmado em unesp.br
- Luis Antonio de Souza JúniorUniversidade Federal do Espírito SantoE-mail confirmado em inf.ufes.br
- Heinz HandelsProfessor of Medical Informatics, Director DFKI, University of LübeckE-mail confirmado em dfki.de
- Prof. Dr. med. Katrin AmuntsC.&O. Vogt Institut, Heinrich-Heine-Universität DüsseldorfE-mail confirmado em uni-duesseldorf.de
- Prof. Dr. Markus AxerInstitute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-1), Forschungszentrum JülichE-mail confirmado em fz-juelich.de
- Maximilian WeihererPhD Student, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-NürnbergE-mail confirmado em fau.de
- Thomas WittenbergChief Scientist Fraunhofer IIS and FAU ErlangenE-mail confirmado em iis.fraunhofer.de
- Leandro PassosUNESPE-mail confirmado em unesp.br
- Klaus H. Maier-HeinProfessor, Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research CenterE-mail confirmado em dkfz.de
- Andreas K. MaierUniversity of Erlangen-NurembergE-mail confirmado em fau.de
- Karl-Josef LangenE-mail confirmado em fz-juelich.de
- Bernhard H.F. WeberUniversity of RegensburgE-mail confirmado em klinik.uni-regensburg.de
- Jerome PerretCEO, HaptionE-mail confirmado em haption.com
- D J HawkesProfessor of Computational Imaging, UCLE-mail confirmado em ucl.ac.uk
- Daniel KeysersGoogleE-mail confirmado em google.com
- Julia A SchnabelTechnical University of Munich, Helmholtz Munich and King's College LondonE-mail confirmado em tum.de
- Luis Claudio Sugi AfonsoPhD Student, UFSCar - Federal University of São CarlosE-mail confirmado em ufscar.br
- Ingrid SchollProfessor of Computer graphics & Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences AachenE-mail confirmado em fh-aachen.de
- Fons van der SommenAssociate Professor, Eindhoven University of TechnologyE-mail confirmado em tue.nl
Christoph Palm
Professor (Full), Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, ReMIC
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