Teuta Mehmeti
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Do adult-children dialogical interactions leave space for a full development of argumentation? A case study
S Greco, T Mehmeti, AN Perret-Clermont
Journal of Argumentation in Context 6 (2), 193-219, 2017
Seeking Success of Migrant Students through Designed Tasks: A Case Study with Albanian Students in Switzerland
T Mehmeti, AN Perret-Clermont
In A.Surian (Ed.), Open Spaces for Interactions and Learning Diversities …, 2016
La réussite scolaire des jeunes femmes kosovares: quels processus psycho-sociaux?
T Mehmeti
Erfahrungen von Schulleiter* innen in der deutsch-, italienisch-und französischsprachigen Schweiz im Schuljahr 2021/2022 während der COVID-19-Pandemie …
F Suter, K Maag Merki, T Feldhoff, M Arndt, L Castelli, D Gyger Gaspoz, ...
Zentrale Ergebnisse aus der Studie «S-CLEVER+. Schulentwicklung vor neuen …, 2023
Getting involved in an argumentation in class as a pragmatic move: Social conditions and affordances
S Greco, T Mehmeti, AN Perret-Clermont
D. Mohammed and M. Lewinski (Eds.,) Argumentation and Reasoned Action …, 2016
Welcoming mobile children at school: institutional responses and new questions
L Kloetzer, S Clarke-Habibi, T Mehmeti, T Zittoun
European Journal of Psychology of Education, 1-30, 2021
Using symbolic resources to overcome institutional barriers: A case study of an albanian-speaking young woman in Switzerland
T Mehmeti, T Zittoun
Culture in education and education in culture: Tensioned dialogues and …, 2019
Objects' influence on knowledge-oriented argumentation in children: An exploratory study
T Mehmeti, C Miserez-Caperos, S Lamas-Breux
The COVID-19 pandemic and wellbeing in Switzerland-worse for young people?
D Gondek, L Vandecasteele, N Sánchez-Mira, S Steinmetz, T Mehmeti, ...
Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 18 (1), 67, 2024
Studying the process of interpretation on a school task: Crossing perspectives
A Kohler, T Mehmeti
2018). Argumentation and inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European …, 2017
Students’ Argumentation in a Standardized Test: Case Study with a Released Item from PISA
T Mehmeti
Seeking success of migrant pupils through designed tasks: A case study with Albanian pupils in Switzerland
T Mehmeti, AN Perret-Clermont
Expériences de membres de directions d'école en Suisse alémanique, italienne et romande durant l'année scolaire 2021/2022 pendant la pandémie de COVID-19
F Suter, K Maag Merki, T Feldhoff, M Arndt, G Castelli, D Gyger Gaspoz, ...
Esperienze di direttori/direttrici scolastici della Svizzera tedesca, italiana e francese nell'anno scolastico 2021/2022 nel contesto della pandemia da COVID-19. Principali …
F Suter, K Maag-Merki, T Feldhoff, M Arndt, L Castelli, D Gyger-Gaspoz, ...
Multiplicity of cognitive demands in a PISA item
T Mehmeti, AN Perret-Clermont, A Iannaccone
Use of everyday-life competencies in resolving school tasks: A paradox? A case study with PISA items
T Mehmeti
Seeking for creativity into conceptualizing and developing school activities: some paths from a pilot study with migrant children
T Mehmeti
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on wellbeing in mid-and long-term in Switzerland: the buffering role of social support.
D Gondek, M Voorpostel, N Sánchez-Mira, T Mehmeti
OSF, 2024
From inference processes to situations of misunderstanding: A case study
A Kohler, T Mehmeti
Journal of Argumentation in Context 11 (3), 283-328, 2022
Étudier les malentendus pour permettre aux élèves de dépasser leurs difficultés? Étude de cas dans deux classes avec des dispositifs d’«enseignement apprentissage par ateliers»
T Mehmeti
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