Hany M. Hasanien
Hany M. Hasanien
Professor at Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University
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Optimal power flow solution in power systems using a novel Sine-Cosine algorithm
AF Attia, RA El Sehiemy, HM Hasanien
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 99, 331-343, 2018
Single and multi-objective optimal power flow using grey wolf optimizer and differential evolution algorithms
AA El-Fergany, HM Hasanien
Electric Power Components and Systems 43 (13), 1548-1559, 2015
Identification of electrical parameters for three-diode photovoltaic model using analytical and sunflower optimization algorithm
MH Qais, HM Hasanien, S Alghuwainem
Applied Energy 250, 109-117, 2019
Whale optimisation algorithm for automatic generation control of interconnected modern power systems including renewable energy sources
HM Hasanien
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (3), 607-614, 2018
An adaptive control strategy for low voltage ride through capability enhancement of grid-connected photovoltaic power plants
HM Hasanien
IEEE Transactions on power systems 31 (4), 3230-3237, 2015
A novel hybrid GWO-PSO optimization technique for optimal reactive power dispatch problem solution
MAM Shaheen, HM Hasanien, A Alkuhayli
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 12 (1), 621-630, 2021
Design optimization of transverse flux linear motor for weight reduction and performance improvement using response surface methodology and genetic algorithms
HM Hasanien, AS Abd-Rabou, SM Sakr
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 25 (3), 598-605, 2010
Design optimization of controller parameters used in variable speed wind energy conversion system by genetic algorithms
HM Hasanien, SM Muyeen
IEEE transactions on sustainable energy 3 (2), 200-208, 2012
Parameters extraction of three-diode photovoltaic model using computation and Harris Hawks optimization
MH Qais, HM Hasanien, S Alghuwainem
Energy 195, 117040, 2020
Design Optimization of PID Controller in Automatic Voltage Regulator System Using Taguchi Combined Genetic Algorithm Method
HM Hasanien
IEEE Systems Journal 7 (December 2013), 825-831, 2013
An adaptive fuzzy logic control strategy for performance enhancement of a grid-connected PMSG-based wind turbine
MA Soliman, HM Hasanien, HZ Azazi, EE El-Kholy, SA Mahmoud
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (6), 3163-3173, 2018
Enhanced salp swarm algorithm: Application to variable speed wind generators
MH Qais, HM Hasanien, S Alghuwainem
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 80, 82-96, 2019
Coyote optimization algorithm for parameters extraction of three-diode photovoltaic models of photovoltaic modules
MH Qais, HM Hasanien, S Alghuwainem, AS Nouh
Energy 187, 116001, 2019
Shuffled frog leaping algorithm for photovoltaic model identification
HM Hasanien
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 6 (2), 509-515, 2015
Transient search optimization: a new meta-heuristic optimization algorithm
MH Qais, HM Hasanien, S Alghuwainem
Applied Intelligence 50, 3926-3941, 2020
Augmented grey wolf optimizer for grid-connected PMSG-based wind energy conversion systems
MH Qais, HM Hasanien, S Alghuwainem
Applied Soft Computing 69, 504-515, 2018
Salp swarm algorithm-based optimal load frequency control of hybrid renewable power systems with communication delay and excitation cross-coupling effect
HM Hasanien, AA El-Fergany
Electric Power Systems Research 176, 105938, 2019
Semi-empirical PEM fuel cells model using whale optimization algorithm
AA El-Fergany, HM Hasanien, AM Agwa
Energy Conversion and Management 201, 112197, 2019
Parameters estimation of single‐and multiple‐diode photovoltaic model using whale optimisation algorithm
OS Elazab, HM Hasanien, MA Elgendy, AM Abdeen
IET Renewable Power Generation 12 (15), 1755-1761, 2018
Particle swarm design optimization of transverse flux linear motor for weight reduction and improvement of thrust force
HM Hasanien
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (9), 4048-4056, 2010
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