Mchich Derak
Mchich Derak
Forest engineer (DREFLCD Rif)/Doctor in Ecology
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Plant species richness and ecosystem multifunctionality in global drylands
FT Maestre, JL Quero, NJ Gotelli, A Escudero, V Ochoa, ...
Science 335 (6065), 214-218, 2012
Decoupling of soil nutrient cycles as a function of aridity in global drylands
M Delgado-Baquerizo, FT Maestre, A Gallardo, MA Bowker, ...
Nature 502 (7473), 672-676, 2013
Climate and soil attributes determine plant species turnover in global drylands
W Ulrich, S Soliveres, FT Maestre, NJ Gotelli, JL Quero, ...
Journal of biogeography 41 (12), 2307-2319, 2014
Functional traits determine plant co-occurrence more than environment or evolutionary relatedness in global drylands
S Soliveres, FT Maestre, MA Bowker, R Torices, JL Quero, ...
Perspectives in plant ecology, evolution and systematics 16 (4), 164-173, 2014
Multi-criteria participative evaluation of Pinus halepensis plantations in a semiarid area of southeast Spain
M Derak, J Cortina
Ecological indicators 43, 56-68, 2014
Surface indicators are correlated with soil multifunctionality in global drylands
DJ Eldridge, M Delgado‐Baquerizo, JL Quero, V Ochoa, B Gozalo, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 57 (2), 424-435, 2020
Aridity modulates N availability in arid and semiarid Mediterranean grasslands
M Delgado-Baquerizo, FT Maestre, A Gallardo, JL Quero, V Ochoa, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e59807, 2013
Human impacts and aridity differentially alter soil N availability in drylands worldwide
M Delgado‐Baquerizo, FT Maestre, A Gallardo, DJ Eldridge, S Soliveres, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (1), 36-45, 2016
Involving society in restoration and conservation
JAA Swart, J Zevenberg, P Ho, J Cortina, M Reed, M Derak, S Vella, ...
Restoration Ecology 26, S3-S6, 2018
A proposed framework for participatory forest restoration in semiarid areas of North Africa
M Derak, J Cortina, L Taiqui, A Aledo
Restoration ecology 26, S18-S25, 2018
Integration of stakeholder choices and multi-criteria analysis to support land use planning in semiarid areas
M Derak, J Cortina, L Taiqui
Land Use Policy 64, 414-428, 2017
Prevention and restoration actions to combat desertification An integrated assessment: The PRACTICE Project
L Rojo, S Bautista, BJ Orr, R Vallejo, J Cortina, M Derak
Sécheresse 23 (3), 219-226, 2012
Similarities in stakeholder identification of restoration targets in a semiarid area
M Derak, L Taiquib, A Aledoc, J Cortina
Journal of Arid Environments 128, 30-39, 2016
Prioritizing areas for ecological restoration: A participatory approach based on cost‐effectiveness
E Silva, W Naji, P Salvaneschi, E Climent‐Gil, M Derak, G López, A Bonet, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 60 (6), 1194-1205, 2023
On the restoration of degraded drylands
J Cortina, B Amat, M Derak, MJ Ribeiro Da Silva, KB Disante, D Fuentes, ...
Secheresse 22, 69-74, 2011
Detecting fire-caused forest loss in a Moroccan protected area
I Castro, AB Stan, L Taiqui, E Schiefer, A Ghallab, M Derak, PZ Fulé
Fire 5 (2), 51, 2022
Influence de la densité et du type de peuplement sur le dépérissement du Cèdre à Sidi M'Guild (Moyen Atlas marocain)
M Derak, O M'Hirit, B Mouflih, M Et-Tobi
Forêt méditerranéenne 29 (1), 23-32, 2008
Planificación participativa de la restauración ecológica en un paisaje semiárido altamente antropizado
E Silva, M Derak, E Climent-Gil, A Aledo, A Bonet, G López, ...
Ecosistemas 30 (3), 2266-2266, 2021
Multicriteria analysis of critical areas for restoration in a semiarid landscape: A comparison between stakeholder groups
M Derak, E Silva, E Climent-Gil, A Bonet, G López, J Cortina-Segarra
Journal of Environmental Management 336, 117545, 2023
Social learning to promote forest restoration in a semi-arid landscape in North Africa
M Derak, L Taiqui, S Fiedler, J Cortina-Segarra
Environmental Development 49, 100972, 2024
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