Nadja  Schömig
Nadja Schömig
Wuerzburg Institute for Traffic Sciences
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Effects of non-driving related task modalities on takeover performance in highly automated driving
B Wandtner, N Schömig, G Schmidt
Human factors 60 (6), 870-881, 2018
The interaction between highly automated driving and the development of drowsiness
N Schömig, V Hargutt, A Neukum, I Petermann-Stock, I Othersen
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 6652-6659, 2015
Attention during visual secondary tasks in driving: Adaptation to the demands of the driving task
B Metz, N Schömig, HP Krüger
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 14 (5), 369-380, 2011
Towards guidelines and verification methods for automated vehicle HMIs
F Naujoks, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, S Hergeth, A Keinath
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 60, 121-136, 2019
Secondary task engagement and disengagement in the context of highly automated driving
B Wandtner, N Schömig, G Schmidt
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 58, 253-263, 2018
Three levels of situation awareness in driving with secondary tasks
N Schömig, B Metz
Safety science 56, 44-51, 2013
Anticipatory and control processes in the interaction with secondary tasks while driving
N Schömig, B Metz, HP Krüger
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 14 (6), 525-538, 2011
Expert-based controllability assessment of control transitions from automated to manual driving
F Naujoks, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, O Jarosch, C Gold
MethodsX 5, 579-592, 2018
The importance of interruption management for usefulness and acceptance of automated driving
F Naujoks, K Wiedemann, N Schömig
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on automotive user …, 2017
An augmented reality display for conditionally automated driving
N Schömig, K Wiedemann, F Naujoks, A Neukum, B Leuchtenberg, ...
Adjunct proceedings of the 10th international conference on automotive user …, 2018
Design of human computer interfaces for highly automated vehicles in the EU-project HAVEit
F Flemisch, A Schieben, N Schoemig, M Strauss, S Lueke, A Heyden
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Context Diversity: 6th …, 2011
Test procedure for evaluating the human–machine interface of vehicles with automated driving systems
F Naujoks, S Hergeth, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, Y Forster, A Keinath
Traffic injury prevention 20 (sup1), S146-S151, 2019
Use cases for assessing, testing, and validating the human machine interface of automated driving systems
F Naujoks, S Hergeth, K Wiedemann, N Schömig, A Keinath
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 62 (1 …, 2018
Non-driving related tasks in highly automated driving-effects of task modalities and cognitive workload on take-over performance
B Wandtner, G Schmidt, N Schömig, W Kunde
AmE 2018-Automotive meets Electronics; 9th GMM-Symposium, 1-6, 2018
Benefits of personalization in the context of a speech-based left-turn assistant
D Orth, N Schömig, C Mark, M Jagiellowicz-Kaufmann, D Kolossa, ...
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on automotive user …, 2017
Checklist for expert evaluation of HMIs of automated vehicles—discussions on its value and adaptions of the method within an expert workshop
N Schömig, K Wiedemann, S Hergeth, Y Forster, J Muttart, A Eriksson, ...
Information 11 (4), 233, 2020
Simulatorstudien zur Ablenkungswirkung fahrfremder Tätigkeiten
N Schömig, S Schoch, A Neukum, M Schumacher, B Wandtner
“Please watch right”–Evaluation of a speech-based on-demand assistance system for urban intersections
N Schoemig, M Heckmann, H Wersing, C Maag, A Neukum
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 54, 196-210, 2018
Drivers' monitoring behaviour and interaction with non-driving related tasks during driving with different automation levels
K Wiedemann, N Schömig, C Mai, F Naujoks, A Neukum
6th international conference on applied human factors and ergonomics (AHFE …, 2015
Measuring workload effects of augmented reality head-up displays using detection response task
C Maag, N Schömig, F Naujoks, I Karl, A Keinath, A Neukum
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 92, 201-219, 2023
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