Handwritten digit classification using higher order singular value decomposition B Savas, L Eldén
Pattern recognition 40 (3), 993-1003, 2007
305 2007 A Newton–Grassmann Method for Computing the Best Multilinear Rank- Approximation of a Tensor L Eldén, B Savas
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and applications 31 (2), 248-271, 2009
190 2009 Quasi-Newton methods on Grassmannians and multilinear approximations of tensors B Savas, LH Lim
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 32 (6), 3352-3393, 2010
183 * 2010 Supervised link prediction using multiple sources Z Lu, B Savas, W Tang, IS Dhillon
2010 IEEE international conference on data mining, 923-928, 2010
170 2010 Clustered low rank approximation of graphs in information science applications B Savas, IS Dhillon
Proceedings of the 2011 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 164-175, 2011
81 2011 Krylov-type methods for tensor computations I B Savas, L Eldén
Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (2), 891-918, 2013
58 * 2013 Analyses and tests of handwritten digit recognition algorithms B Savas
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53 * 2003 Scalable affiliation recommendation using auxiliary networks V Vasuki, N Natarajan, Z Lu, B Savas, I Dhillon
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 3 (1), 1-20, 2011
50 2011 Parallel clustered low-rank approximation of graphs and its application to link prediction X Sui, TH Lee, JJ Whang, B Savas, S Jain, K Pingali, I Dhillon
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 25th International Workshop …, 2013
24 2013 Clustered embedding of massive social networks HH Song, B Savas, TW Cho, V Dave, Z Lu, IS Dhillon, Y Zhang, L Qiu
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 40 (1), 331-342, 2012
22 2012 Perturbation theory and optimality conditions for the best multilinear rank approximation of a tensor L Elden, B Savas
SIAM journal on matrix analysis and applications 32 (4), 1422-1450, 2011
16 2011 Algorithms in data mining using matrix and tensor methods B Savas
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12 2008 Rank reduction and volume minimization approach to state-space subspace system identification B Savas, D Lindgren
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12 2006 Clustered matrix approximation B Savas, IS Dhillon
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9 2016 The maximum likelihood estimate in reduced‐rank regression L Eldén, B Savas
Numerical linear algebra with applications 12 (8), 731-741, 2005
8 2005 Big Data M Zhang, MHJ Sidik
Machine Learning at American Airlines Tech. Ops. Proceedings of Agifors …, 2018
6 2018 Dimensionality reduction and volume minimization—generalization of the determinant minimization criterion for reduced rank regression problems B Savas
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5 2006 Algorithm Package Manual: Best Low Rank Tensor Approximation B Savas
Department of Mathematics, Linköping Univeristy, Linköping, Sweden, 2008
2 2008 Visualization of Swedish News Articles: A Design Study. K Kucher, N Engström, W Axelsson, B Savas, A Kerren
VISIGRAPP (1): GRAPP, HUCAPP, IVAPP, 670-677, 2024
1 2024 Social Network Analysis: Fast and Memory-Efficient Low-Rank Approximation of Massive Graphs I Dhillon, B Savas, Y Zhang
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1 2011