Charlie Rioux
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Age of cannabis use onset and adult drug abuse symptoms: A prospective study of common risk factors and indirect effects
C Rioux, N Castellanos-Ryan, S Parent, F Vitaro, RE Tremblay, ...
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 63 (7), 457-464, 2018
The interaction between temperament and the family environment in adolescent substance use and externalizing behaviors: Support for diathesis–stress or differential susceptibility?
C Rioux, N Castellanos-Ryan, S Parent, JR Séguin
Developmental Review 40, 117-150, 2016
Differential susceptibility to environmental influences: Interactions between child temperament and parenting in adolescent alcohol use
C Rioux, N Castellanos-Ryan, S Parent, F Vitaro, RE Tremblay, ...
Development and psychopathology 28 (1), 265-275, 2016
Sex and gender terminology: a glossary for gender-inclusive epidemiology
C Rioux, A Paré, K London-Nadeau, RP Juster, S Weedon, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 76 (8), 764-768, 2022
Gender-inclusive writing for epidemiological research on pregnancy
C Rioux, S Weedon, K London-Nadeau, A Paré, RP Juster, LE Roos, ...
J Epidemiol Community Health 76 (9), 823-827, 2022
Missing data treatments in intervention studies: What was, what is, and what should be
C Rioux, TD Little
International Journal of Behavioral Development 45 (1), 51-58, 2021
Substance use disorders and suicidality in youth: A systematic review and meta-analysis with a focus on the direction of the association
C Rioux, AS Huet, N Castellanos-Ryan, L Fortier, M Le Blanc, S Hamaoui, ...
PLoS One 16 (8), e0255799, 2021
Moderation of parenting by inhibitory control in the prediction of the common and unique variance of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention
C Rioux, J Murray, N Castellanos-Ryan, JR Séguin, RE Tremblay, ...
Development and Psychopathology 32 (3), 909-921, 2020
The interactive effects of parental knowledge with impulsivity and sensation seeking in adolescent substance use
C Rioux, N Castellanos-Ryan, S Parent, F Vitaro, JR Séguin
Child Psychiatry & Human Development 50, 95-107, 2019
eHealth interventions to treat substance use in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
K Silang, H Sanguino, PR Sohal, C Rioux, HS Kim, LM Tomfohr-Madsen
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (19), 9952, 2021
Parceling in structural equation modeling: A comprehensive introduction for developmental scientists
TD Little, C Rioux, OA Odejimi, ZL Stickley
Elements in Research Methods for Developmental Science, 2022
Reflection on modern methods: planned missing data designs for epidemiological research
C Rioux, A Lewin, OA Odejimi, TD Little
International Journal of Epidemiology 49 (5), 1702-1711, 2020
Item parcels as indicators: Why, when, and how to use them in small sample research
C Rioux, ZL Stickley, OA Odejimi, TD Little
Building emotional awareness and mental health (BEAM): a pilot randomized controlled trial of an app-based program for mothers of toddlers
AL MacKinnon, KM Simpson, MR Salisbury, J Bobula, L Penner-Goeke, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 13, 880972, 2022
Underused methods in developmental science to inform policy and practice
C Rioux, TD Little
Child Development Perspectives 14 (2), 97-103, 2020
Longitudinal associations of cannabis, depression, and anxiety in heterosexual and LGB adolescents.
K London-Nadeau, C Rioux, S Parent, F Vitaro, SM Côté, M Boivin, ...
Journal of abnormal psychology 130 (4), 333, 2021
Differential susceptibility to the environment and borderline personality disorder
C Rioux, JR Séguin, J Paris
Harvard review of psychiatry 26 (6), 374-383, 2018
Academic, socioeconomic and interpersonal consequences of cannabis use: a narrative review
N Castellanos-Ryan, É Morin, C Rioux, K London-Nadeau, M Leblond
Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy 29 (3), 199-217, 2022
Building Emotional Awareness and Mental Health (BEAM): an open-pilot and feasibility study of a digital mental health and parenting intervention for mothers of infants
EB Xie, M Freeman, L Penner-Goeke, K Reynolds, C Lebel, ...
Pilot and feasibility studies 9 (1), 27, 2023
Solutions for latent growth modeling following COVID-19-related discontinuities in change and disruptions in longitudinal data collection
C Rioux, ZL Stickley, TD Little
International Journal of Behavioral Development 45 (5), 463-473, 2021
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