Zvonimir Rakamaric
Zvonimir Rakamaric
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Rigorous estimation of floating-point round-off errors with symbolic taylor expansions
A Solovyev, C Jacobsen, Z Rakamarić, G Gopalakrishnan
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 532-550, 2015
Delay-bounded scheduling
M Emmi, S Qadeer, Z Rakamarić
Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of …, 2011
SMACK: Decoupling source language details from verifier implementations
Z Rakamarić, M Emmi
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 106-113, 2014
Rigorous floating-point mixed-precision tuning
WF Chiang, M Baranowski, I Briggs, A Solovyev, G Gopalakrishnan, ...
Proceedings of the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming …, 2017
System Programming in Rust: Beyond Safety
A Balasubramanian, MS Baranowski, A Burtsev, A Panda, Z Rakamarić, ...
Evaluation of Android Malware Detection Based on System Calls
M Dimjašević, S Atzeni, I Ugrina, Z Rakamaric
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on International Workshop on Security And …, 2016
JDart: A Dynamic Symbolic Analysis Framework
K Luckow, M Dimjašević, D Giannakopoulou, F Howar, M Isberner, ...
22nd International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction …, 2016
Efficient search for inputs causing high floating-point errors
WF Chiang, G Gopalakrishnan, Z Rakamaric, A Solovyev
Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of …, 2014
ARCHER: Effectively Spotting Data Races in Large OpenMP Applications
S Atzeni, G Gopalakrishnan, Z Rakamaric, DH Ahn, I Laguna, M Schulz, ...
8th International Workshop on Exploiting Concurrency Efficiently and …, 2015
CIVL: The Concurrency Intermediate Verification Language
SF Siegel, MB Dwyer, G Gopalakrishnan, Z Luo, Z Rakamaric, R Thakur, ...
Towards Formal Approaches to System Resilience
VC Sharma, A Haran, Z Rakamaric, G Gopalakrishnan
A reachability predicate for analyzing low-level software
S Chatterjee, SK Lahiri, S Qadeer, Z Rakamarić
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2007
Static and precise detection of concurrency errors in systems code using SMT solvers
SK Lahiri, S Qadeer, Z Rakamarić
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, 509-524, 2009
Symbolic Learning of Component Interfaces
D Giannakopoulou, Z Rakamaric, V Raman
Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), 2012
SMACK software verification toolchain
M Carter, S He, J Whitaker, Z Rakamarić, M Emmi
Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2016
SMACK Software Verification Toolchain
SH Montgomery Carter, J Whitaker, Z Rakamaric, M Emmi
38th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2016
Verifying Rust programs with SMACK
M Baranowski, S He, Z Rakamarić
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 16th International …, 2018
A logic and decision procedure for predicate abstraction of heap-manipulating programs
J Bingham, Z Rakamarić
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, 207-221, 2006
Portable inter-workgroup barrier synchronisation for GPUs
T Sorensen, AF Donaldson, M Batty, G Gopalakrishnan, Z Rakamarić
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Object …, 2016
Fast and Precise Symbolic Analysis of Concurrency Bugs in Device Drivers
P Deligiannis, AF Donaldson, Z Rakamaric
30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), 2015
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