Design and optimization of resonance-based efficient wireless power delivery systems for biomedical implants AK RamRakhyani, S Mirabbasi, M Chiao
IEEE transactions on biomedical circuits and systems 5 (1), 48-63, 2010
1145 2010 Wireless energy harvesting for the Internet of Things P Kamalinejad, C Mahapatra, Z Sheng, S Mirabbasi, VCM Leung, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (6), 102-108, 2015
774 2015 System-on-chip: Reuse and integration R Saleh, S Wilton, S Mirabbasi, A Hu, M Greenstreet, G Lemieux, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 94 (6), 1050-1069, 2006
408 2006 Bend, stretch, and touch: Locating a finger on an actively deformed transparent sensor array MS Sarwar, Y Dobashi, C Preston, JKM Wyss, S Mirabbasi, JDW Madden
Science advances 3 (3), e1602200, 2017
356 2017 Classical and modern receiver architectures S Mirabbasi, K Martin
IEEE Communications Magazine 38 (11), 132-139, 2000
346 2000 Overlapped complex-modulated transmultiplexer filters with simplified design and superior stopbands S Mirabbasi, K Martin
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Analog and Digital Signal …, 2003
187 2003 Architecture and design of multichannel millimeter-wave wireless NoC X Yu, J Baylon, P Wettin, D Heo, PP Pande, S Mirabbasi
IEEE Design & Test 31 (6), 19-28, 2014
131 2014 Measurement study and transmission for in-vehicle power line communication M Mohammadi, L Lampe, M Lok, S Mirabbasi, M Mirvakili, R Rosales, ...
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2009
118 2009 A 1.2-pJ/bit 16-Gb/s 60-GHz OOK transmitter in 65-nm CMOS for wireless network-on-chip X Yu, SP Sah, H Rashtian, S Mirabbasi, PP Pande, D Heo
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 62 (10), 2357-2369, 2014
111 2014 A 219-to-231 GHz frequency-multiplier-based VCO with~ 3% peak DC-to-RF efficiency in 65-nm CMOS A Nikpaik, AHM Shirazi, A Nabavi, S Mirabbasi, S Shekhar
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 53 (2), 389-403, 2017
88 2017 On the design of mm-wave self-mixing-VCO architecture for high tuning-range and low phase noise AHM Shirazi, A Nikpaik, R Molavi, S Lightbody, H Djahanshahi, ...
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 51 (5), 1210-1222, 2016
82 2016 An 18.7-Gb/s 60-GHz OOK demodulator in 65-nm CMOS for wireless network-on-chip X Yu, H Rashtian, S Mirabbasi, PP Pande, D Heo
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 62 (3), 799-806, 2015
81 2015 A 40% PAE frequency-reconfigurable CMOS power amplifier with tunable gate–drain neutralization for 28-GHz 5G radios SN Ali, P Agarwal, L Renaud, R Molavi, S Mirabbasi, PP Pande, D Heo
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 66 (5), 2231-2245, 2018
80 2018 Resonance-based wireless power delivery for implantable devices A Kumar, S Mirabbasi, M Chiao
2009 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 25-28, 2009
78 2009 A 0.35/spl mu/m CMOS comparator circuit for high-speed ADC applications S Sheikhaei, S Mirabbasi, A Ivanov
2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 6134-6137, 2005
77 2005 A fully integrated 660 MHz low-swing energy-recycling DC–DC converter M Alimadadi, S Sheikhaei, G Lemieux, S Mirabbasi, WG Dunford, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (6), 1475-1485, 2009
69 2009 A 3GHz switching DC-DC converter using clock-tree charge-recycling in 90nm CMOS with integrated output filter M Alimadadi, S Sheikhaei, G Lemieux, S Mirabbasi, P Palmer
2007 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. Digest of Technical …, 2007
69 2007 Switched substrate-shield-based low-loss CMOS inductors for wide tuning range VCOs P Agarwal, SP Sah, R Molavi, S Mirabbasi, PP Pande, SE Oh, JH Kim, ...
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 65 (8), 2964-2976, 2017
67 2017 A 0.13- CMOS Low-Power Capacitor-Less LDO Regulator Using Bulk-Modulation Technique K Keikhosravy, S Mirabbasi
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 61 (11), 3105-3114, 2014
65 2014 Interconnect driver design for long wires in field-programmable gate arrays E Lee, G Lemieux, S Mirabbasi
Journal of Signal Processing Systems 51, 57-76, 2008
61 2008