Gian-Franco Dalla Betta
Gian-Franco Dalla Betta
Full Professor of Electronics, University of Trento
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Production and integration of the ATLAS Insertable B-Layer
B Abbott, J Albert, F Alberti, M Alex, G Alimonti, S Alkire, P Allport, ...
Journal of instrumentation 13 (05), T05008, 2018
SuperB: A high-luminosity asymmetric e+ e-super flavor factory. Conceptual design report
M Bona
Prototype ATLAS IBL modules using the FE-I4A front-end readout chip
Atlas Ibl Collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (11), P11010, 2012
Modelling a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) as a signal source for optimum front-end design
F Corsi, A Dragone, C Marzocca, A Del Guerra, P Delizia, N Dinu, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
A CMOS 3-D imager based on single photon avalanche diode
D Stoppa, L Pancheri, M Scandiuzzo, L Gonzo, GF Dalla Betta, A Simoni
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 54 (1), 4-12, 2007
Characterization of the first prototypes of silicon photomultiplier fabricated at ITC-irst
C Piemonte, R Battiston, M Boscardin, GF Dalla Betta, A Del Guerra, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 54 (1), 236-244, 2007
3D silicon sensors: Design, large area production and quality assurance for the ATLAS IBL pixel detector upgrade
C Da Via, M Boscardin, GF Dalla Betta, G Darbo, C Fleta, C Gemme, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2012
Design optimization of ultra-fast silicon detectors
N Cartiglia, R Arcidiacono, M Baselga, R Bellan, M Boscardin, F Cenna, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2015
A hybrid CMOS-imager with a solution-processable polymer as photoactive layer
D Baierl, L Pancheri, M Schmidt, D Stoppa, GF Dalla Betta, G Scarpa, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 1175, 2012
Radiation resistant LGAD design
M Ferrero, R Arcidiacono, M Barozzi, M Boscardin, N Cartiglia, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
Novel CMOS image sensor with a 132-dB dynamic range
D Stoppa, A Simoni, L Gonzo, M Gottardi, GF Dalla Betta
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits 37 (12), 1846-1852, 2002
Avalanche photodiodes in submicron CMOS technologies for high-sensitivity imaging
GF Dalla Betta, D Stoppa, J Richardson, L Pancheri, R Henderson
INTECH Open Access Publisher, 2011
Development of 3D detectors featuring columnar electrodes of the same doping type
C Piemonte, M Boscardin, GF Dalla Betta, S Ronchin, N Zorzi
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005
Electrical characterization of silicon photo-multiplier detectors for optimal front-end design
F Corsi, C Marzocca, A Perrotta, A Dragone, M Foresta, A Del Guerra, ...
2006 ieee nuclear science symposium conference record 2, 1276-1280, 2006
Single photon timing resolution and detection efficiency of the IRST silicon photo-multipliers
G Collazuol, G Ambrosi, M Boscardin, F Corsi, GF Dalla Betta, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
Double-sided, double-type-column 3-D detectors: Design, fabrication, and technology evaluation
A Zoboli, M Boscardin, L Bosisio, GF Dalla Betta, C Piemonte, S Ronchin, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55 (5), 2775-2784, 2008
Design and characterization of a p+/n-well SPAD array in 150nm CMOS process
H Xu, L Pancheri, GFD Betta, D Stoppa
Optics express 25 (11), 12765-12778, 2017
Simple high-speed CMOS current comparator
L Ravezzi, D Stoppa, GF Dalla Betta
Electronics Letters 33 (22), 1829-1830, 1997
Development of double-sided full-passing-column 3D sensors at FBK
G Giacomini, A Bagolini, M Boscardin, GF Dalla Betta, F Mattedi, M Povoli, ...
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 60 (3), 2357-2366, 2013
Resistive AC-Coupled Silicon Detectors: principles of operation and first results from a combined analysis of beam test and laser data
M Tornago, R Arcidiacono, N Cartiglia, M Costa, M Ferrero, M Mandurrino, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2021
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